Chapter 41

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Morning came and Mokuro's ears twitched slightly. He open his eyes and looked around
" body hurts so much. My head hurts too...what the hell happened?" Mokuro asked and sat up on his bed rubbing his head
"Mokuro wake up. You need to head to school!" Yuzu said
"Uh yeah! Be there in a bit!" Mokuro said and got up from his bed. He yawned and stretched his arms out. He grabbed his clothes and put them on. He walked to the bathroom to get himself ready and his eyes widen as he saw himself in the mirror
"Wh-what the hell?" Mokuro asked himself seeing his werecat ears and tail. He growled as he saw his werecat soul staring at him
"What the hell asshole?" Mokuro asked
"I told you...we made a deal" Nightmare said
"Sh-shut up and turn me back" Mokuro said
"I'm sorry...but that can't happen. Hehehehehe" Nightmare chuckled
"You better not do shit..." Mokuro growled and ignored him as he begun his morning routine. After that he walked out the bathroom and downstairs to eat his breakfast
"Morning Mokuro" Mei said
"Morning son" Yuzu said walking up to him with eggs and bacon
"Morning mom. Morning mama" Mokuro said and sat down on his seat
"Mokuro why are you in your werecat form?" Mei asked
"W-well uhm...I thought that I could go with a new look" Mokuro said
"This doesn't have to do anything with your soul...right?" Mei asked glaring at him
"N-no mother. It's just...I just wanted to try and a werecat and not use my powers so I don't lose control" Mokuro said and smiled nervously. Mei glared at him for a moment and nodded
"Very well. As long as you don't cause any trouble..." Mei said
"Yes mama. I know" Mokuro said and devoured his breakfast gulping everything down
"Woah Mokuro eat slowly. You're suppose to savor your meal" Yuzu said
"Sorry mom but your cooking skills are amazing!" Mokuro said and smiled
"Awww thanks Mokuro but it's not healthy to eat your food like that" Yuzu said
"Okay yeah I know. I'll stop eating my food like that" Mokuro said and stood up to grab his bag
"Hey mom who'll be taking us to school?" Mokuro asked
"Your mother" Yuzu said
"Fuck yes! With mama around those assholes would be hella scared to even get close to us!" Mokuro said
"Mitsuko will be coming with us as well. She wants to check up on Misuki" Mei said
"Double fuckin yes!" Mokuro said
"You seem pretty pumped up" Yuzu said
"That's because mama and Auntie Mitsuko are the ones with scary glares. Just with one glare the whole school would back up and do no shit to us" Mokuro said
"Language" Mei said
"Ah yes sorry mother" Mokuro said
"Well hopefully you have fun in school and don't cause any trouble. Tell the teacher if something's going on" Yuzu said
"Sure mom" Mokuro said. After a couple of minutes the kids got inside the car while Mei and Mitsuko were in the front two seats. Of course the other kids were like Mokuro and were in their other animal form
"So it happened to you guys too?" Mokuro whispered
"Yeah I even woke up with dead body parts under my bed. That was hella weird and hard to hide from my parents" Hasura whispered
"I just couldn't sleep at all" Misuki whispered
"I was rolling on the ground..." Shinjo whispered
"Well I guess we should just stay calm and not use these powers or else trouble will be caused. Understand?" Mokuro asked. The rest nodded and they arrived to school
"Bye mama!" Mokuro said as he jumped out the car
"Thanks for the lift" Shinjo said getting out the car
"Thank you Aunties! You two are the best!" Hasura said
"Bye mother" Misuki said. The students in the school looked at them and trembled a bit since they remembered what happened. They were obviously more scared of Mokuro than the rest
"Yo Mokuro! Bro!" Wong said and wrapped an arm around him
"Hey Wong!" Mokuro said and they both walked inside the school. Shinjo glared at him and walked to school
"Hey Shinjo" Dakich said
"Hey Dakich" Shinjo said
"Something wrong?" Dakich asked
"No not at all" Shinjo replied. Hasura looked at Misuki who was trembling a bit and clenching her back tightly
"Hey Misuki relax. Just give them a scary glare to scare them" Hasura said
"I-I know but I'm sc-scared..." Misuki whimpered
"Relax everything will be oka-hey!" Hasura said as Ditsy grabbed her then dragged her. Misuki stood there for a moment and looked to her side seeing the girls
Calm down's okay...r-right...?
"Is everything okay Misuki?" Mitsuko asked. Misuki gasped and turned around seeing her mother
"Hehe y-yes" Misuki said smiling nervously. Mitsuko kneeled down and stroked her hair softly
"Misuki if anything happens. Tell the teacher and tell her to call me. I'll come by the school immediately" Mitsuko said
"O-okay" Misuki said. Mitsuko kissed her forehead softly and nodded
"Have fun and be careful" Mitsuko said
"Yes mom" Misuki said and entered the school. She was heading to her class until a girl grabbed her dragging her to the bathroom. Misuki was pushed down to the ground and looked up seeing Hema with other older girls who were 10 or 9 years old. Misuki trembled and pinned her ears down
"Hey Crybaby how are you?" Hema asked
"I-I'm doing okay" Misuki replied
"Oh that's great. That's amazing. Hehe and uh that lady was she your mom?" Hema asked
"Yes..." Misuki said
"Hehe will you tell your mommy to come and help you? Waaaaah! Mommy Mommy! Help me! I am a baby and I need you to come and help me because I'm a baby!" Hema said. The others girls laughed and Misuki growled
"You know...your mother is a slutty bitch" Hema said. Misuki's eyes widen and stood up
"She's not a slut!" Misuki shouted and the 10 year old girl punched her hard and kicked her. Misuki fell and coughed
"All Taniguchis are sluts since they always have that body. Every guy looks at them like they're beautiful and everything which makes others feel bad about themselves. Since you look like your mother that means your a slutty bitch like her" Hema said and laughed. Misuki growled as her eyes glowed
"Hasura..." Misuki mumbled and suddenly a light appeared and Hasura teleported herself in the bathroom where Misuki was
"E-eh!? What the hell!?"
"How did you find us?!"
Hasura helped Misuki up and the two glared at the girls
"What happened?" Hasura asked
"These bitches are talking shit about our parents. They're saying the Taniguchis are sluts just because of their perfect body. They even called us sluts just because we look like them" Misuki said and glared at them
"Huh? So you decided to talk shit about us and our parents eh? Well...time to beat the shit out of all of you" Hasura growled. The girls trembled and they tried to leave the bathroom but Misuki blocked their exit with her tentacles. Misuki glared at them making them back away. Hasura punched the girls down and Misuki kicked and punched as well at the older girls knocking them down leaving Hema on the floor trembling in fear seeing the two cousins fighting and beating up the girls. Misuki clenched her fists tightly and glared at Hema
"Are you going to tell your mommy about this?" Misuki asked
"N-no! I won't! I won't say anything! I'll leave you alone for good! Please! Don't hurt me!" Hema said
"I'll let you go this one go before I change my mind" Misuki said sternly. Hema trembled and ran away. Misuki's tentacles hissed as they slithered around
"I'm quite impressed...and you used your powers as well" Hasura said
"I had enough of their shit...I'm sick and tired of them" Misuki said
"Hehe let's get out and go somewhere private~" Hasura whispered. Misuki's ears twitched slightly and walked away as her tentacles vanished. Hasura looked at the other girls and smirked
"If you tell anyone about this...I'll rip you to pieces. Understand?" Hasura said. The girls groaned and nodded. Hasura smiled and walked out the bathroom. She saw Misuki head to the hallway and sighed deeply
Hehehehe she's becoming more aggressive each day...

Misuki walked down the hallway with her serious and cold stare. Some kids passed by her and when they glanced at her they would immediately stay away from her. Misuki just glared at them or something and they would fall backwards or just run to class. Even teachers were scared of her
"Taniguchi-san you okay?" Her teacher asked
"I'm fine. Thanks for asking" Misuki said coldly that even the teacher got the chills just by hearing her voice. The teacher looked a bit concerned about her but was afraid to ask. When Misuki walked in to class all the students scooted their seats away from her. Misuki sat down on her seat and dropped her bag. All the students looked at her and murmured a few things about her
"Is she okay?"
"Why is she acting like this?"
"She's scary..."
"She looks a lot like her mother"
"I know right..."
"But her mother wasn't this scary..."
"She was admired by many students"
"Yeah but Misuki seems the complete opposite of her..."
Misuki pinned her ears back and growled
"Hey assholes. If you have something to say then say it to my fuckin face" Misuki said sternly as she glared at them. The students looked away from her and they trembled
"Misuki! Language! Don't call your classmates any names. That's inappropriate" Her teacher said. Misuki looked down and she let out a low growl. The teacher looked at her a bit worried and class begun. Misuki looked at her desk and smirked
Haha! Everyone is fuckin scared of me. This is perfect

Mokuro was in class and he ignored the teacher as he looked out the window. He looked down at his notebook and began to doodle whatever shit
This is so fuckin boring. Ugh I don't want to be here...I wish I could just skip...
"Mokuro Aihara" The teacher said sternly
"Huh? Uh yeah?" Mokuro asked
"Are you you even paying attention Mokuro?" The teacher asked
"I guess?" Mokuro said
"What do you mean by that?" She asked
"I don't know?" Mokuro said confused
"Mokuro Aihara. I expect more from you since you are the son of Mei Aihara. She was the Star Student ever since she was in elementary school. You should be more like her" The teacher said
"Well guess what Miss? I am who I am so I don't give a damn if I'm not like my mother. Besides you said she was the Star Student...not anymore..." Mokuro said mumbling the last part
"Mokuro you want me to call your parents about your behavior?" The teacher asked
"No ma'am..." Mokuro said and stood up from his seat then walked out the classroom
"Mokuro Aihara! Come back! I haven't dismissed class!" The teacher said but Mokuro ignored him. He walked to the bathroom and went to the sink. He splashed some water on his face then growled having a headache
Ugh my damn head hurts...shit...stupid headache
Mokuro lifted his head up and his eyes widen seeing someone in the mirror standing behind him. He turned around and trembled as he saw no one behind him but when he looked at the mirror again he saw...
"M-mama?" Mokuro asked. It was Mei but she looked different. She had terrifying red eyes and her skin was dark. She was a monster. Mokuro stepped back and slipped on the water that was left on the floor
"Sh-shit..." Mokuro mumbled and stood back up looking at the mirror and saw nothing
Was it my imagination? What was that? And...why did mama look like that?

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