Chapter 34

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Misuki groaned and opened her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She yawned and rubbed her head
Ugh...morning already?
'Wakey wakey little puppy'
Misuki laid back down and closed her eyes
"Eh? Are you still going to sleep? Get up" Her puma soul said grabbing the bedsheets
"H-hey! Give it back!" Misuki said and grabbed the bedsheets pulling it back
"Time to get up!" The puma growled
"Nah!" Misuki said and yanked the covers. She laid down and slept again
"Don't be lazy you little shit" The puma growled
"She's not being lazy she's just exhausted" The puppy said
"This little bitch has to wake up. The Alpha has called" The puma said
"Huh? What? What Alpha?" Misuki asked
"Mokuro dumbass" The puma growled
"Hey don't call her that!" The pup said
"Shut up you puppy bitch!" The puma growled
"Uh...guys you shouldn't be fighting" Misuki said
"And who's gonna stop us?" The puma growled. Suddenly the door burst open and Maruta saw the two souls
"Oh morning mama" Misuki said and smiled
"What's with all the yelling?" Maruta asked
"I don't know. They're just arguing..." Misuki said. The two souls just glared at each other and vanished
"Um okay. Anyways morning sweetie. You feeling okay?" Maruta asked
"Yes mama. I'm very okay" Misuki said and smiled softly then got out of bed
"That's great sweetie" Maruta said. Misuki walked up to her mother and hugged her
"Alright time to eat" Maruta said
"Yay!" Misuki said and left going to the kitchen
"Morning mom!" Misuki said and smiled
"Morning Misuki" Mitsuko said with a smile. She kissed her forehead softly and Misuki went to the sink to wash her hands until...
U-ugh! What the h-heck!?
H-huh? Wait...what?
'It's me Hasura idiot'
Hasura? Are you in my head?! How?!
'No time to explain but I need to ask a tiny little favor'
And what is that?
'...can we have sex?'
"No!" Misuki shouted accidentally and gasped
"Misuki is everything alright?" Maruta asked
"Hehe yes mother. I'm sorry for shouting out of nowhere" Misuki said smiling nervously
It's not funny Hasura!
'S-sorry! I'm sorry! Hahahahaha!'
Grrrr! Shut up!
'Ah okay okay. Sorry hehe I was just joking'
Stop wasting my time
'I just have a small mission and I'll probably need your help...'
Huh? Help? Help on what?
'I have to sneak in the Principal's office. There is a new principal in the school and Mokuro told me to check his office out'
And do you believe in what Mokuro said?
'He is the Alpha. He is always well most of the time but right now. I need your help'
Let me eat breakfast first okay?
'Okay then we can fuck'
Misuki's face was completely red and walked to the table
"Misuki why is your face red?" Maruta asked
"Do you have a fever?" Mitsuko asked
"Hehe n-nope. It's nothing" Misuki said nervously and smiled
Hasura...I swear...I'm gonna kill you after this...

"Hey mom may I go play outside?" Shinjo asked
"Sure" Shai said ruffling his hair. Shinjo smiled and ran downstairs going outside then headed for the Aihara's place. He stopped by the window and poked his head out. Mokuro's ears perked up and noticed him out the window. He smiled and ran up to the door then opened it
"SHINJO! MY BELOVED CUTIE!" Mokuro said and tackled him
"Aaaaah! Hey!" Shinjo said and squirmed
"Where's my kiss?" Mokuro asked
"K-kiss!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"Yes. My kiss. You said you were okay with it" Mokuro said
"H-huh!? I said that!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"Yep you did. Now my kiss" Mokuro said and leaned in
"Gaah! Get away!" Shinjo said
"Mokuro what's going on?" Yuzu asked
"Oh hey mom. We were just playing" Mokuro said and got off of Shinjo
"It doesn't sound like you two were playing" Yuzu said
"We were playing right?" Mokuro asked
"H-hehe yeah. We were" Shinjo said as he stood up rubbing his head. Yuzu looked at them and nodded
"Alright" Yuzu said. Hasura came out with bacon in her mouth and greasy hands. She gulped the bacon and waved at Shinjo
"Hey!" Hasura said
"What's she doing here?" Shinjo asked
"I called her in for a very important mission" Mokuro said
"Yes. I am a very important member of the crew" Hasura said and licked her fingers which disgusted Shinjo so much
"Anyways Misuki is suppose to be here by now. I wonder where she is" Mokuro said
"Hey there she is" Hasura said. Misuki came in running and panting heavily
"Hah...ah....ha...ha...hah... " Misuki groaned and fell to the ground panting heavily
" t-take...a break" Misuki said and tried catching her breath
"Hmm? Anyways so there is this man in school and he's the new principal of the school but I find him kinda funny..." Mokuro said
"What do you mean?" Shinjo said
"I just find him kinda strange...very strange" Mokuro said
"I think we should take a closer look" Hasura said
"That's what you'll be doing" Mokuro said
"Can I take Misuki with me?" Hasura asked
"Sure why not" Mokuro said
"You hear that Misuki we-huh? Misuki?" Hasura asked
"She's asleep?" Shinjo asked
"Misukiiiii" Hasura said and poked her head
"Is she dead?" Shinjo asked
"Seems like she stayed up late" Mokuro said. Hasura booped her nose and giggled softly
Maybe a kiss will wake her up
Hasura held her cheek and leaned in closely towards her lips
"H-huh? Huh!? H-hey!" Misuki said and pushed Hasura
"You're awake!" Hasura said and giggled softly
"Of course I'm awake and what were you doing!?" Misuki exclaimed
"Hehe Inwas just waking you up" Hasura said and sticked her tongue out. Misuki blushed and stood up
"Hey Misuki did you sleep well?" Mokuro asked
"No I didn't thanks to her!" Misuki said pointing at Hasura
"Eh? Me?" Hasura asked
"Yes you! I-if you didn't kiss me l-last night I would've been sleeping p-peacefully" Misuki said as she blushed. Hasura smiled softly and hugged her
"Hehe sorry I just couldn't help it. You're so cute and adorable" Hasura said and smiled softly. Misuki just trembled a bit and looked away
"Alright you two will check the Principal's office and me and Shinjo will-"
"Yo kids! I couldn't help but overhear your conversation" An eagle said
"Esmeralda!" Mokuro said waving at her. The eagle dived down and landed
"So you kids plan on doing your thing without your parent's permission?" Esmeralda asked
"Well yeah but can you keep it a secret from them?" Mokuro asked
"A secret? Hmm? Well alright but as long as you two don't get into trouble" Esmeralda said
"Sure thing. We won't get caught" Mokuro said and smiled
"Very well guys" Esmeralda said
"Come on Misuki Lets go!" Hasura said and grabbed Misuki
"H-huh!? What!?" Misuki exclaimed and Hasura teleported each other to the school
"Okay so lets just try and get there by foot" Mokuro said
"Ugh that's exhausting" Shinjo groaned
"I could carry you" Mokiro said
"No thanks. Let's go then" Shinjo said
"Okay. Hehe and Esmeralda thank you and please try to keep our parents distracted do they don't notice us that we've gone missing" Mokuro said
"No problem kid. Now go before they come outside" Esmeralda said. Mokuro and Shinjo shifted and they ran into the forest. Esmeralda watched them leave and smiled
Please be okay...

Now to check up on the two mates fucking. Matsuri and Harumin were both panting heavily as they fucked. Harumin slammed the strap on deep inside her ass and Matsuri moaned loudly as her body trembled again
"I'M C-CUMMING!~ AHHHHHH!~" Matsuri moaned loudly and came. Harumin pulled the strap on and panted heavily. Matsuri collapsed on the floor and panted heavily. Harumin looked at her ass and blushed seeing it completely red
" are you okay?" Harumin asked
"Haaaah...ahhhhh... y-yes..." Matsuri mumbled and giggled softly
"But y-your ass..." Harumin said and rubbed her asscheek softly. Matsuri wagged her tail rapidly and smiled softly
"Relax it's fine. Besides I love it when you fuck me hard~" Matsuri whispered. Harumin wrapped her arms around Matsuri then pulled her closely
"I love being punished Mommy~" Matsuri whispered. Harumin stroked her hair softly and cupped her cheek. Matsuri turned her head slightly and connected their lips together. Harumin kissed her back and stroked her hair softly. She rubbed her thighs softly and rubbed closely to her pussy
"M-mmm~" Matsuri moaned softly. Harumin bit her bottom lip gently and started sucking on her lip gently. She shoved her tongue inside her mouth then began playing with her tongue. Matsuri moaned and sucked on her tongue gently
"Mmmmm~ Mmmmm~" Harumin moaned softly. Matsuri broke the kiss panting softly then gasped as Harumin shoved three fingers inside her pussy
"M-mommy!~" Matsuri moaned loudly as Harumin started pumping her fingers in and out fast
"A-ahhhhhhh!~" Matsuri moaned loudly and arched her back a bit. Harumin pumped her fingers faster and deeper then licked her neck slowly
"Mmmm~ Matsuri~" Harumin whispered in her ear then bit her ear hard
"Ahhhh!~ F-fuck!~" Matsuri moaned loudly and trembled again
"You okay?" Harumin asked
"Y-yes!~ Ahhhhhh!~ M-mommy!~" Matsuri moaned loudly and drooled. Harumin blushed and felt her pussy tighten around her fingers. Harumin giggled softly and pumped her fingers harder and deeper
"You close yet?" Harumin asked
"Y-yes Mommy!~" Matsuri moaned loudly and panted heavily. Harumin pumped her fingers harder and deeper hitting her in all the right spots
"Sh-shit!~ Ahhhhhh!~" Matsuri moaned loudly and rolled her eyes back in pleasure then came all over Harumin's fingers. Harumin pulled her fingers out and licked them clean. Matsuri drooled and panted heavily
"M-mommy..." Matsuri mumbled. Harumin kissed her neck softly and cuddled her softly. Matsuri nuzzled her back then Harumin gasped
"Hasura! Shit!" Harumin exclaimed
"Relax...I told her she could do whatever she pleases..." Matsuri said
"What? You allowed her to do whatever she liked?" Harumin asked
"Yep" Matsuri said
"Ugh letting her do will only cause trouble" Harumin said
"Huh? You mean the chicken incident?" Matsuri asked
"That girl is just like you. She enjoys playing games like you do" Harumin said and stood up
"U-um are you going to take this leash off?" Matsuri asked
"Hmmmm? I don't know" Harumin said
"Huh? What do you mean!? Are you just gonna leave me here again!?" Matsuri exclaimed
"Maybe but let me call Yuzucchi first" Harumin said and left to grab the phone. She dialed Yuzu's number and answered
"Hey Yuzucchi have you seen Hasura?" Harumin asked
"Well yeah she came over to eat a bit then decided to play outside with Mokuro and the others" Yuzu said
"Oh okay and are you sure they're doing okay?" Harumin asked
"Yeah I think" Yuzu said
"You think?" Harumin asked
"I'm sure they're doing okay" Matsuri said
"Shut up" Harumin said
"Relax I'll go check up on them" Yuzu said
"Alright then" Harumin said and hanged up. Matsuri tried to stand up but she could only get on her knees
"Harumin l-let me go" Matsuri whimpered and started pulling on the leash
"Relax I'll make you breakfast" Harumin said and walked to the kitchen. Matsuri whimpered and laid down on the wet floor that had puddle of her juices. Matsuri looked up at the ceiling and giggled softly
I had so much fun
'Yeah I can tell you did'
And what about you?
'It was pretty painful and you think we can make it to round 100?'
Probably...but depends if Harumin has enough energy left in her
'I think she can make it...'
Hm? Then let's give it a shot some other night...

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