Chapter 22

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"Cutie! Open the door! Please!" Mokuro whimpered and scratched the door. Shinjo groaned as he was trying to read a book but Mokuro kept bothering him
"Can you shut up already!" Shinjo said. Suddenly the scratching door stopped. Shinjo's ears perked up and looked at the door. He walked up to the door and opened it slightly checking if he was there
"You better not be playing around..." Shinjo mumbled and opened the door. He looked around seeing no one but felt some wrap their arms around him then covered his mouth
"Mmmph!? Mmmph!!! Hmmmph!" Shinjo said struggling to be released. He was pulled back to the room and was dropped on the floor
"Who the fuck did that!?" Shinjo exclaimed and turned around seeing Mokuro. Mokuro shut the door and turned around seeing Shinjo
"Hehe sorry" Mokuro said
"Grrrr...I should've known" Shinjo said and stood up
"I said I'm sorry. You just didn't let me in so I forced myself in and now that we're together..." Mokuro paused and smirked slightly
"Don't you dare..." Shinjo growled. Mokuro chuckled and tackled him
"Gotcha!" Mokuro laughed
"G-get off me!" Shinjo said.
"Tickle time!" Mokuro said and started tickling his side
"N-no! Aaaaaah! Hahahahaha! M-mokuro damnit! Stop!" Shinjo laughed. Mokuro giggled and kept ticking his sides
"M-mercy! Please! Hahahahaha! I-I'm gonna p-pee hahahahaha! F-fuck! Mokuro please! St-stop! Hahahahaha!" Shinjo laughed as tears started to form in his eyes. Mokuro smiled and slipped his hands inside Shinjo's shirt rubbing his belly giving him a belly rub. Shinjo wagged his tail rapidly and panted softly as he pinned his ears down
"Mmmm~ It feels good~" Shinjo said and closed his eyes. Mokuro blushed and looked at his little chihuahua friend...or...perhaps his lover. Shinjo felt relaxed that his leg started shaking as Mokuro kept rubbing his belly softly
He's so cute when he makes that face...I better control myself before I end up doing some weird shit
Shinjo's body started to tremble as Mokuro's hands reached up to his chest
"Mmmm...M-mokuro not th-there" Shinjo mumbled
"Eh? Oh sorry" Mokuro said and rubbed his belly softly
His's so soft. He's one cute adorable little chihuahua...I bet there is no one like him
Shinjo's ears perked up and gasped realizing what was going on
"N-no! Stop!" Shinjo said and pushed him. Shinjo sat up then held his stomach and trembled
"You okay?" Mokuro asked
"'s just..." Shinjo whimpered and looked away as his cheeks turned pink
"Wh-what?" Mokuro asked. Shinjo just hugged himself and trembled. Mokuro crawled up to him and patted his head softly
"What's wrong?" Mokuro asked
"N-nothing...just don't t-touch me like Th-that again" Shinjo said
"Huh? Why not?" Mokuro asked
"J-just don't! Okay!" Shinjo said
"Hehe but why though? I mean you enjoyed it right?" Mokuro asked. Shinjo pinned his ears back and growled furiously
"Shut up!" Shinjo said. Mokuro just laughed and hugged him. Shinjo just groaned and bit his ear hard making Mokuro yelp. Mokuro let him go and trembled as his face turned red
"D-don''s s-sensitive..." Mokuro whimpered pinning his ears down
"That's what you get...baka..." Shinjo said. Mokuro just looked at him and growled. Shinjo just growled back and stood up. He walked to Mokuro's bed and sat down. Mokuro stood up and walked up to him. Shinjo looked at him and looked away. Mokuro chuckled softly and got in bed with him
"Get near me and I'll fuckin bite you" Shinjo growled
"Jeez Shinjo don't be so aggressive with me. This is my home and bed anyways..." Mokuro said
"Your mother put me in charge" Shinjo said
"I'm the young Alpha. I'll be the next Alpha which makes me the Top Alpha" Mokuro said
"Grrr it doesn't matter. I can still challenge you" Shinjo said. Mokuro smirked and pinned him down on the bed
"So you're challenging me? The son of the great Alpba" Mokuro said
"Yes" Shinjo growled
"Hehe you're funny you know. I can top you in anything" Mokuro growled
"Are you sure? Why not prove it?" Shinjo asked. Mokuro chuckled softly remembering the first time they met
"Awwww look at him. He's so cute" Yuzu said as she caressed Shinjo's hand softly. Shinjo laughed softly and looked around. Himeko held him closely. Mokuro was just a 2 year old boy and looked at the bed. The 1 year old Hasura was next him and they both looked at the bed
"Come here you two and meet your new friend" Yuzu said. Mokuro walked up to his mother then Yuzu carried him to show him the baby. Mokuro looked at him and sticked his tongue out
"Mokuro that's not how you behave" Mei said sternly. Suddenly Shinjo sticked his tongue out at him
"He did it" Mokuro said pointing at Shinjo. Shinjo growled and used his small baby hands to attack him by reaching his arms out and tried to grab him. Mokuro growled and glared at him
"Mokuro stop" Yuzu said
"He is mad at me. I didn't do anything" Mokuro said. Shinjo let out a shout and tried to fight him
"See? He wants to fight me" Mokuro said and glared at him. The small baby Shinjo glared at him as well and the two stayed like that as if they were in a staring contest
"Why does this remind me of the Vice Prez snd Yuzucchi?" Harumin asked
"Because that's how they acted the first time they met" Mei said
"Wow those two really hate each other's guts" Matsuri said
"I think that's enough" Yuzu said and pulled Mokuro away from Shinjo
"They'll get along" Shai said
"Probably..." Matsuri said. Mokuro kept glaring at him and smiled
'He definitely wants to fight me and challenge me'
End Of Flashback still plan on fighting me one day right? Well...when that day comes. I promise to give it my all...
"So what's your answer Mokuro-kun?" Shinjo asked. Mokuro chuckled and grabbed Shinjo by his hair
"Fine. I'll prove to you I am the Top Alpha and that I can definitely top you" Mokuro growled

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