Chapter 69

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Mokuro and the gang panted heavily as they finished off and wiped out all of their enemies. Mokuro panted heavily and fell on his knees growling furiously
Damnit...these bastards took forever to defeat. I guess I should start using her powers...
Mokuro looked at his palm and sighed deeply. He looked at Hasura who was shaking and fell on her knees. Her skin turned back to normal and so did her hair and eyes. Mokuro looked at her and noticed the shadow attached to her
I guess the Shadow Mama took over for a bit and helped out...
Mokuro just stood up and looked at the Royal Bloods
"Do you guys know...about what happened?" Mokuro asked
"You mean your parents getting taken away? Yes" Someone said
"So...did you guys team up with them?" Mokuro asked
"We did until you showed up and knocked some sense into us" One of them said
" I guess you're in our team now?" Mokuro asked
"Hmm? Yep. We got no other choice now or else we'll end up getting eaten by one of you'm" One of them said. Mokuro just chuckled softly and sighed. He walked up to Hasura and patted her head
"You feeling alright?" Mokuro asked
"Hehe...yeah kinda" Hasura said and stood up as Mokuro helped her up
"What was that?" Shinjo asked
"Yeah you were crazy and ended up killing him. I mean it's okay though he deserved it" Misuki said
"I-I don't know it just t-took over my body" Hasura said
"Well that was great and all but...didn't it hurt?" Mokuro asked
"It stinged a bit. Stupid mama..." Hasura said mumbling the last part and suddenly something shadowy came from Hasura's stomach and out came Harumin
"I'm the reason you're still alive and you should thank me for killing that asshole. If it weren't for me you would've gotten captured by them or killed by that man so shut the fuck up and behave. And this time...I'm not joking" The Shadow Harumin said and vanished entering inside Hasura's body
"Well fuck...guys do you get treated this way? Because this ain't fair" Hasura said
"Well that's your problem not ours. That's between you and your shadow mother I guess. Anyways let's get going" Mokuro said
"Wait you don't plan us to walk all the way to the artic do you?" One of the Royal Bloods asked
"No we're heading to the human territory and ask for help. We've got to being everyone because this is our world and we must protect it from getting destroyed...most importantly I want to safe my family" Mokuro said. The Royal Bloods nodded and everyone headed to the human territory. Mokuro lead the way and heard a couple of gunshots nearby
Shit! Are we too late!?
Mokuro ran and saw men again shooting at the humans and taking the woman only leaving the children behind. Mokuro growled an old ran towards them as he shifted into his werewolf form and attacked them
"Here we go again" Misuki groaned and ran towards them as she fought them
"You two stay here. This will be quick anyways" Hasura said looking at the twins. The twins nodded and stayed behind as Hasura ran up to the battle. Shinjo stomped the ground hard as he used his ice powers freezing his enemies then attacked them. Mokuro ripped their heads and body in half as their guts came out from their body. Hasura bit their necks tearing off their flesh and tore off their chest removing their heart. Misuki stabbed through their armor and took their guts out while she bit their necks hard tearing it off. Misuki roared and broke their jaw then knocked them down. Mokuro's skin darkened as his eyes shifted from lavender to red eyes. He roared as his eyes glowed and released an aura that killed all his enemies. He fell on his knees and panted heavily as he felt a sting through his body
"U-urk...shit i-it hurts" Mokuro groaned and coughed out blood. Suddenly his Shadow mother appeared
"Why of course it hurts. You're not used to this power..." Mei said and kneeled down then placed her hands on his cheeks. Mokuro looked up at her and coughed blood. Mei wiped the blood and smiled as her red eyes glowed
"There is still someone we have to defeat..." Mei said
"E-eh? Isn't it the asshole who took my parents and well too I guess? Well your body I suppose" Mokuro said
"That asshole isn't our only enemy...that dragon is someone who was dead many years ago..." Mei said
"H-huh?" Mokuro asked
"Siwoon Aihara..." Mei said
"S-siwoon?" Mokuro asked. All the Royal Bloods trembled at that name and murmured things about him. Mokuro looked at them and looked confused
"Who is he?" Mokuro asked
"Siwoon Aihara...was the first Aihara ever and...the King of Royal Bloods. It happened many years ago but...they said a new King would be born and defeat the old King to take the place as the new King of Royal Bloods" Someone from the Aihara explained
"That's right and are the only one who can defeat him since you were born to do that" Mei said
"W-wait...are you saying that I'm...I'm..." Mokuro paused and look up at his Shadow mother
"That's're the new King" Mei whispered as she smirked

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