Chapter 73

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Shai chuckled softly and swinged an attack at the animals destroying their bodies. Matsuri teleported grabbing the animals and ripped their heads off. Siwoon growled and jumped up heading towards Matsuri. Matsuri smirked and ducked going underneath him then a bow appeared as well as an arrow. She aimed at him then released the arrow and it went through his side. His eyes widen and multiply arrows were thrown at him then Shai activated her ice powers and created a blizzard inside the building
"We need to get out! We'll freeze to death!" Yuzu shouted and howled calling the team to get away. Everyone ran towards the nearest exit and escaped the deadly ice. Some had frost bite on their body and Yuzu had to cure them immediately since the frost bite was spreading throughout their bodies
"Wh-what happened back there?" Hasura asked
"Did they came back to life or something?" Nitski asked
"It looks like it..." Mei said
"But whatever happened it seems they're not themselves anymore" Maruta said
"They're using their parent's soul. They took over their bodies" Yuzu said
"Shouldn't we try and stop them?" Harumin asked
"You'll end up killing yourself if you try to stop two monstrous beast..." Mitsuko said
"But maybe they're just helping out right?" Himeko asked
"I hope so..." Yuzu said. Suddenly the foxes gathered up and ran towards the building
"Hey! What are y'all doing!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"Juhin! What are you doing!?" Nitski exclaimed
"The Alpha has spoken! Matsuri needs us in there!" Juhin said and ran to the building following them. Nitski hesitated for a moment before heading over there but Cyndi grabbed her
"D-don't go!" Cyndi said
"I'm sorry but Matsuri and my family are in there and she needs me! I promise I'll be back!" Nitski said and got out of her grip then ran away following the other Mizusawas. Hasura's body glowed but Harumin grabbed her
"Don't Hasura!" Harumin said
"B-but mom needs me! I have to help her!" Hasura said and trembled. Harumin teared up and held her closely but Hasura kept struggling to set herself free
"I don't want to lose you like I lost your mother!" Harumin cried. Hasura just clenched her fists tightly and growled as she stopped struggling. The building collapsed all the sudden and a strong cold breeze pushed everyone back. Everyone coughed and stared at the collapsed building
"A-are they okay?" Shinjo asked
"D-did they survive?" Hasura asked
"I-is mom okay?" Nathan asked
"Mom!" Natasha said as she cried then ran up to the building
"Natasha! Wait!" Cyndi exclaimed and ran after her. The pieces of building started to move and the people underneath the building came out with minor injuries like cuts and bruises. The others ran up to them helping the foxes out
"Nitski are you okay!?" Cyndi exclaimed
"Y-yeah I'm fine. It's so fuckin cold" Nitski said and shivered
"Are you hurt? What happened?" Cyndi asked as she held her closely
"Mommy are you okay?" Nathan asked
"We were scared mom. We thought you were gonna die" Natasha said and whimpered as she teared up
"Don't worry sweetie. I'm okay" Nitski said and smiled at them both as she patted their heads softly
"Nitski what the hell happened in there?" Yuzu asked
"W-well..." Nitski said
"Haha! Die you bastards!" Shai shouted as she ran up to them then used her ice powers freezing them both keeping them in place
"Urgh! Siwoon!" The man shouted. Siwoon growled and broke the ice then flew towards Shai. Shai smirked and jumped at him as she attacked him. Siwoon bit her arm then threw her against the wall hard. Matsuri growled as she ran up to him with her sharp teeth and her glowing hazel eyes. She raised her fist and punched him hard. Siwoon roared and attacked her arm that had her Taniguchi symbol then broke her arm
"G-gaaaaah!!" Matsuri shouted in pain but she still attacked him with her broken arm. Siwoon growled and Matsuri kicked his face then pushed him down to the ground. Shai froze his wrists and ankles as she headed towards him ready to attack. Siwoon growled and got back up then Shai kicked his face breaking his nose. He fell back and Matsuri did her call as she called all the Mizusawas. Suddenly a bunch of foxes came in as they burst into the building. The foxes surrounded Siwoon then jumped at him as they all bit down on his flesh clinging onto his body. They began biting and tearing off his flesh
"Get off me animals!" He shouted and punched the foxes knocking a couple of them down. Matsuri growled and began to destroy the building breaking some parts. The building began to crumble as a few pieces began to fall from the ceiling. Shai helped out destroying the building. The man stood up wanting to escape but Matsuri grabbed him then threw him down to the ground
"DIE YOU BASTARD! THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!" Matsuri shouted and kicked him against the wall hard breaking his back. Siwoon roared and tried getting the foxes off but Shai held him in place using her ice powers. He growled and was prepared to use his fire powers until Shai grabbed her mouth freezing him. Siwoon tried breaking the ice but gasped as the ice was heading straight for his throat inside his body. Matsuri's body glowed as she released a strong aura and the building began collapsing
"What the hell Matsuri!? Are you trying to kill us or something!?" Nitski exclaimed. Matsuri just turned to look at her and laughed. Nitski just looked at her with fear and trembled
'Is she even Matsuri?'
End Of Flashback
"Wait so she destroyed the building?" Yuzu asked
"Yeah who knows why but...I'm mot sure if they're the same person as they were before" Nitski said
"Where are they? Are they still alive?" Hasura asked
"We need to look for them!" Shinjo said as he immediately went to the building and tried looking for his mother. His eyes widen as the old woman walked up to him
"What a pathetic boy..." Mrs. Higashi said as she raised her fist and attacked but Shai appeared out of nowhere and blocked her attack
"Hmph...still alive?" Her grandmother said
"Heh...leave him out of this" Shai said and smiled
"I really can't take you seriously since you look so much like him. They even named you after him...guess your mother just missed him" Her grandmother said. Shai just stood there and teared up
"Why treat father that way? He never did anything wrong..." Shai said
"It's not my fault. Your grandfather was the one who treated him that way" Her grandmother said
"But you were the one who left him! He needed love and care but you both broke him..." Shai said as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Grow up..." Her grandmother said and slapped her hard across her face. Himeko's eyes widen then ran up to her. The old woman just turned to glare at her
"And you...Momokino" The old woman said. Himeko glared back at her and growled
"Don't hurt them..." Himeko said. Shai just looked down and attacked her grandmother knocking her down then grabbed her by the throat
"Hehe...I'll just kill you like father killed him!" Shai said and raised her fist as she was about to attack then Himeko blocked her attack with her shield. Shai's eyes widen and trembled
"Himeko...what the hell?" Shai growled
"Stop it...this isn't you. Control yourself..." Himeko said and pushed her back gently. Shai panted heavily and felt Shinjo hold her hand
"Mom..." Shinjo mumbled. Shai looked at him and pinned her ears down. She touched her chest that had a scar and gritted her teeth
"Forgive me father...but I can't..." Shai mumbled and fell on her knees then shut her eyes tightly as she teared up. Shinjo teared up and hugged her. Shai wrapped her arms around him hugging him back. Himeko's shield vanished and looked at the old woman
"I don't get why a Momokino like you would help someone like're nothing like your parents. Hojo and Celeste should be disappointed" The old woman said. Himeko just ignored her and walked up to Shai then wrapped her arms around both her wife and son
"You okay?" Himeko asked. Shai just placed her head on her shoulder and whimpered. Himeko stroked her hair softly as she teared up and Shinjo just cried on his mother's shoulder.
"I thought I l-lost you..." Himeko said and cried softly holding Shai and Shinjo closely
"I-I'm sorry mom...f-for-"
"Don't be sorry's okay. I'm here..." Shai said and held them both closely. Yuzu sighed and walked up to the old woman. The old lady just stood up and glared at Yuzu
"I'm guessing Yongi's daughter...right?" The woman asked
"Just leave us alone...there is no need for violence" Yuzu said
"Just like your father...I'm guessing he taught you that" The woman said
"Why betray your own people? Us animals, Royal Bloods, and humans deserve to live. We all need to get along..." Yuzu said
"Do you really think there will ever be peace in this world?" The woman asked
"Yes...and I know there are some bad people out there in the world but they need to understand there is no need to fight" Yuzu said. Suddenly the pieces of the building began to move as Yuzu's uncle came out bleeding because of his injuries
"U-urgh...damnit...I-I can't move" He groaned and trembled. Yuzu noticed him and walked up to him. He looked behind him and trembled in fear
"Hehehe...guess I'm dead...right?" He asked as his body surrendered
"Pretty much but...father wouldn't want that for you" Yuzu said
"Just kill me now...I don't deserve to live after all I've done to this world" He said and chuckled softly
"Everyone deserves a second chance to change...and I believe you deserve a second chance" Yuzu said as she reached her hand out at him. The man laughed as he got up holding out a weapon
"You stup-" He paused as he got attacked from behind. He slowly turned his head slightly seeing a bloody fox. Matsuri smirked devilishly holding his heart then crushed it
"Damn you...Soha..." He mumbled before falling to the ground as he died. Matsuri just fell panting heavily
"No need to thank me..." Matsuri said and looked up at her. Yuzu smiled and held her up then hugged her
"I'm so glad you're back..." Yuzu whispered and healed her injuries. Matsuri just smiled and hugged her back. Hasura teared up and cried. Matsuri's ears perked up and turned to look at her then walked up to her
"I-I'm sorry mom for not saving y-you... it was my fault y-you died!" Hasura cried. Matsuri just hugged her tightly and stroked her hair softly
"There there's not your fault. I'm here and this time I won't be going anywhere" Matsuri said and kissed her forehead. Suddenly Harumin wrapped her arms behind her and cried on her shoulder
"Harumin...please don't cry..." Matsuri said and teared up as she was about to cry as well
"I th-thought I lost you..." Harumin said and hugged her tightly. Matsuri just hugged them both as she shut her eyes tightly as she tried to hold her tears back. Mitsuko just teared up and without hesitation she ran up to her then hugged both her sisters. Matsuri's lips trembled and bursted into tears. After years of being in a cage all locked up with no one, she finally had a family who loved and cared for her. She even had a big sister who can lend a shoulder to cry on. Yuzu looked at Shai and walked up to her then kneeled down. Shai lifted her head up and smiled a bit. She stood up and Yuzu hugged her tightly as she healed her injuries
"I'm so glad you're okay" Yuzu whispered
"I'm happy to be alive..." Shai whispered. Yuzu looked at her with teary eyes and patted her head softly
"Guess you're the Alpha of the Artic" Yuzu said
"Yeah...I guess so.." Shai paused letting out a soft sigh then smiled
"But I don't want to stay here...I want to go back to my real home" Shai said. Yuzu smiled and hugged her. Suddenly Diane came by whimpering as she looked down. Shai turned to look at her and walked up to her
"I-I'm sorry Shai...I-I don't know wh-what came over me" Diane said and cried. Shai just hugged her and held her
"It's okay..." Shai whispered
"W-we're still friends r-right?" Diane asked
"Of course" Shai said and pulled away giving her a smile. Diane smiled back at her and looked at Himeko and her son
"I-I'm sorry Momokino-san...I'm sorry for trying to hurt you and your can hate me if you want" Diane said as she bowed down. Himeko just stood up and sighed deeply
"I forgive you...for now though" Himeko said. Diane looked up and smiled a bit
"Thanks" Diane said. The animals and Royal Bloods all gathered up thinking it was over until Siwoon came out of the crumbled building and panted heavily. Yuzu and the rest prepared themselves for the final battle. Mokuro stood there trembling a bit but growled as his eyes shifted into red
Now it's time to...end this..

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