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The next location for the boys' tour is NYC, New York.  I have to go back to Arizona for a few days to get packed and let my school know what is going on.  Since the boys' tour isn't until next weekend, they said they would come with us, as long as it was ok with my mom.  We have a guest house for them, so it works out perfectly.

It is Monday now, and we arrived in Arizona last night late.  Today, I have to go to school to talk to the administration.  The guys want to go on a tour of my city Scottsdale, Arizona. 

So, the managers, the guys, and I all get into the van.  My mom heads to work in her car. 

I direct one of the managers to my school.  We arrive and there are so many people standing outside.  I get out of the van and everyone swarms me and the van.  I close the van door and run inside. 

One of the teachers helps me get to the main office.  In the main office, I wait to talk to my principle Mrs. Barbera.

"Jade!" Mrs. Barbera says to me giving me a hug, "How are you?  I saw you on TV over the weekend while I was at my nieces house.  You have such a beautiful voice."

"Thank you Mrs. Barbera!  I am doing very well thank you!"

"So, what can I do for you Jade?" she says giving me a slight smile.

"Well, over the weekend, the managers of Big Hit Entertainment signed me to their label and they want me to finish the tour with the band I was with over the weekend.  So, I was coming to see if I can finish my classes online for the last month and then come and take the exams I have?"

"Well, Jade," she says shifting in her chair, "you see, I am very happy for you, but that will be very difficult for you.  Do you think you can do it?  Well first, when is the next concert?"

"The next concert is this weekend in NYC."

"Humm I see, well," she says, "I guess we can figure something out," she says smiling.

I smile back at her, "Thank you!" I say and go over to the other side of her desk and give her a hug. 

She laughs, "Ok, so let's see what you're going to have to do."

We talk for about an hour on what I am going to have to do and when I am going to have to come to take my exams in April.

"Thank you Mrs. Barbera!  See you later!" I say giving her a hug goodbye.

"Goodbye Jade!  Good luck!  I'll be watching you!"

We both laugh and I leave the school relieved.

I decide to walk home since it is less than 5 minutes away, and when I enter the living room, all the guys are waiting for me on the couch.

"So, can you do it?" asked Jungkook.

I stood there and a smile grew on my face, "I CAN!"

They all jump up and come give me a big hug.

A few minutes later, we decide to chill for a bit. 

I go to my room and get cleaned up a bit.  I change my clothes, put on a little makeup, and walk out to the living room to join them.

"So, do you guys want to see the city?" I ask them.

They all look at each other and say, "Yeah sure," in unison.

My mom and I have a big suburban, so I decide to take them in that.  The managers decided to head on to NYC early to get things set up before we go there in a week.

We all hop into the car, thank goodness it fits 8 people, 3 in the back, 3 in the middle, and 2 in the front.

In the back is J-Hope, Suga, and RM, in the middle is V, Jimin, and Jin, and then in the passenger seat is Jungkook.

Jungkook takes my hand where the guys cant see and holds it as I drive around. 

I show them certain buildings and show them different places that I like to go to.

I asked them if they wanted to go get some food somewhere, and of course, they said yes.

So, we decide to go to Scottsdale Burger Bar because why not?

Each guy scarfs down their burgers so fast.  We also get 2 large orders of fries.  The guys offered to pay but I told them that they have paid for everything, so I paid for this.

We finished eating, so we head back to the car.  All the guys enter the car except Jungkook.

"Hey Jade," he says grabbing my wrist and spinning me around towards him.

"Yes Jungkook?" I say back to him with a slight smirk.

"We've told each other that we like each other, so will you go on a date with me in NYC this weekend?"

I smile like a stupid person and say, "Yes!"

He and I laugh and he hugs me and lifts me off the ground. 

Just as I was turning to head towards the car, he speaks up again, "Oh and one more thing."


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

My mouth got wide, "Yes!!"

I give him another hug, but this time I jumped into his arms.

When he lets me down, we get into the car, he holds my hand again, and we head back to my house.

What a fun day.  I got asked out by Jungkook, I am now his girlfriend, I can finish school from home, and I just had the best burger ever!

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