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A few weeks later:

It is April and two shows have come and gone: Texas and Chicago.

We are back in South Korea right now since the show in Chicago was last weekend. Now I have to go fly to Arizona to take my exams so I can graduate!

I finish packing all of my things, and I head to the airport. The guys want to come with me to tell me goodbye and good luck. So, all of the guys pile into the van except for Jungkook. Jungkook and I are in a separate car.

I will be in Arizona for about a month and a half before I can see the guys again.  My exams are the first week of April, they are early since I am senior, and graduation is the 2nd to last weekend of May.  The guys said they will come to my graduation.

The car ride to the airport is silent.  I can tell Jungkook is sad for me to go, especially since he won't be able to see me for some time.

For the whole ride, he holds my hand, squeezing it and rubbing it.  I look up at him, "Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says silently as his voice cracks a little.  I give his hand a little squeeze and go back to silence.

When we arrive at the airport, the guys and I get out of our vehicles and make our way inside.  V wanted to carry my luggage, how nice.

My flight is in an about an hour.  Girls come running up to us, the guys mostly, asking for autographs and pictures.  Jungkook decide that this is the time to say our private goodbye's, so we wiggle our way out of the crowd and make our way to a little private corner to talk.  As we are walking quietly, we hear someone yell, "WHERE IS JUNGKOOK?  WHERE IS JADE?"  We both giggle and continue walking.

When we find a little private space, we stand with him facing me and my back against the wall.  He begins to tear up a bit.  I take my hand and gently wipe under his eye and take his face in my hand.

"Hey, it's ok.  You'll see me in about a month," I say to him quietly.

He takes his hand and places it on mine that is on his face.  Our other hands are already together. 

"I know, I just don't want anything to happen in the month we are apart.  Who knows what can hap-," I cut him off right there.

"Nothing is going to happen ok.  Look," I say lifting his his with my hand, "look at me.  I love you, ok?  Nothing is going to happen."

He starts to tear up again and now he is full on sobbing.  I begin to start crying because I hate seeing him hurt.

"Jade, I love you, too.  I wanted to say it first," he says jokingly, lightening up the mood.  We start giggling. 

I take his face in both my hands and lean in and kiss him gently.  Then I lean back and look into his eyes and he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap one arm around his neck and we kiss again, more passionately.

After a few minutes, we head back to the group and most of the girls have gone.

I go through baggage claim and get my ticket and we all head to TSA.  The guys can't go past this area, so we decide to say our goodbye's here.

"Bye Jade, I will miss you!" says V

"Bye TaeTae!  I'll miss you tons!" I say as we both laugh and I give him a little peck on the cheek.

"Jade!  Bye Bye!  I will miss you!" says Jimin as I give him and big hug.

All of the guys pretty much say the same thing and I give them each their own hugs and kisses on the cheek. 

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