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The concert is tomorrow, so today we are doing the dress rehearsals to make sure everything is running properly.

Sean and I have been talking a lot through texting. He's really nice and really easy to talk to. Kind of like the typical boy friend you would have at school. It's nice to have a guy like him to talk to that is "normal."

Of course, I have to tell Kim about him, so I decide to call her.

"Hey!" she says into the phone, "What's up? How's New York?"

"Really fun! Tons of mems here though from last year."

"What do you mean?"

"Jungkook and I had our first date here in April earlier this year and Wednesday night we all ate at Olive Garden in Times Square and that's where we had our date."

"Yikes," she says, "That's awkward."

"Yeah," I say, "But that's not what I called you about."

"Oh?! What? Spill!"

"There's this guy who works here every once in a while named Sean and we met Wednesday night and we've been talking."

"Ah! Jade! Is he cute?! And are y'all talking talking or just talking?"

"He is very handsome. Like extremely handsome, and I don't really know. I mean we just started texting and stuff and he's really easy to talk to. You know like how it is in normal college or high school."

"Yeah," Kim says, "Ah! Wait, how does Jungkook feel about him?"

"Well that's the thing," I start, "Sean met the guys because the guys all walked in on us hanging out Wednesday and Jungkook really gave him a look, like not a friendly look."

"Awkward!" yells Kim.

We both laugh.

"Jade! Time to start rehearsal!" I hear V yell from the front of the bus.

"Hey Kim I gotta go to rehearsal! I'll try to send you a pic of me and Sean if he's here today."

"Sounds good girlie! Have fun bye!"

"Bye!" I say and hang up the phone.

V and Jimin are waiting for me at the entrance of the arena.

"Are y'all waiting for me?" I ask them.

"Yup!" they say in unison and we laugh.

Rehearsal goes really good. For this concert, we are going to be doing something slightly different. The guys are going to sing some of their songs like normal without me and then I am going to go in and sing the English version. So, the only songs we are doing this for are: "Euphoria", "Spring Day", "Fake Love", "Serendipity", and "The Truth Untold."

After we finish rehearsal, I have to go to really practice the songs in English so I don't mess up tomorrow.

In the middle of rehearsal, I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell.

Sean walks in.

"Hey, what's up," I say.

"Nothing much. I asked the other members where you were," he says. I laugh and he laughs.

"Do you want to help me rehearse?" I ask him kind of joking, but kind of serious. He nods like "why not."

"What are you practicing?" he asks me.

"I am practicing singing these songs," I say pointing to the list of songs, "in English."

"Oh cool! Are you doing this for the concert tomorrow?"

"Yup, and I have only memorized 3 out of the 5."

"Not bad. How long have you been rehearsing?"

"About an hour."

"You're doing good. Keep going," he says with a smile.

"Do you want me to sing one for you?" I ask.

"Sure I want to hear your voice without the other guys'."

"Ok, I'll sing," I say looking at each, "'Spring Day'."

He nods, "Sounds good."

I begin to sing "Spring Day" for him and he just looks at me the whole time and is smiling.

When I finish, he begins to clap, "That was so good Jade!" he says.

I'm starting to get embarrassed, "Oh my gosh stop!" I say laughing.

For about the next hour and a half, he helps me finish memorizing the last two.

As we are leaving the room, I say, "Thanks for helping me memorize the songs."

"No problem, I had fun," he says smiling.

"Oh I just remembered, my friend Kim from my high school, wants a picture of us together because I may have told her I met someone from the staff who is fun to talk to," I say with a fake guilty face.

"And why does she want a picture? Was she told that maybe I was handsome or whatever?"

I open my mouth in a fake "what the heck" look and jokingly slap him in the arm.

"Just take a selfie with me," I say. We both snap a selfie and I send it to Kim. She replies almost instantly.

Her text says, "Jade! Holy crap! He's HOT!"

I quickly turn off my phone, but Sean already saw it.

"Well, your friend tells the truth," he says pretending to be serious then laughing. I slap his arm again and we walk to the main big room. All the guys are sitting around the room and when they hear us walking in, they all look up.

I can see most of the guys look from me to Jungkook. Jungkook looks up, rolls his eyes, and then looks back down at his phone.

That makes me so mad, because why does he have to be such an ass about this. Sean's just my friend, right?

"Hey guys," I say to everyone, "What's up?"

"Not much," says Jimin, "We're just all chilling."

I nod because I don't know what else to say. This is an awkward situation.

"Are you guys just going to be chilling for the rest of the day?" asks Sean.

I look at the schedule on the wall behind us and nod, "Yeah the rest of the day is free time."

Sean whispers into my ear so the others don't hear, "Do you want to go get something to eat or whatever? There's a good place near Central Park not too far from here. I can drive."

I nod and we both walk out the room without saying anything else.

As we are exiting, I hear V say, "Where are they going?" But I don't hear a response back.

I have to go tell the BHE managers where I am going, so I go to let them know, they get Sean's number and they let me go.

This is going to be fun.

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