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Today is the day of the concert! I am so nervous.

I wake up, and get ready for the day. The managers managed to get an outfit for me custom made.

It is a purple crop top with spaghetti straps, black ripped shorts, black high-tops, and my hair will be down and slightly curled with a few extensions.

After about an hour, I am now done getting ready. I decide to go to the boys dressing room to see what's up.

They're done, too. They are just talking. When they see me, they all smile and wave me over. Jungkook scoots over so I sit by him. When I sit down, he puts his arm around me.

"Are you ready for this Jade?" asks V.

"As ready as i'll ever be," I say.

I look over at Jungkook and give him a slight smile. He gives me a little peck on the cheek and i give his hand that is around my shoulders a little squeeze.

It is 30 minutes until we have to be onstage, so we go backstage and wait. We can hear the fans screaming already. The boys and I decide to do one last mini practice and we run through each song very quickly.

Now it is time for the boys to go on stage.

Before Jungkook goes, he looks back at me and gives me a little wink and wave. I do the same thing back and he turns and goes on stage.

I can hear the crowd scream even louder since the boys are on stage now.

They perform a few songs. Now it is time for "I Need You". They announce that I am going to be joining them on tour from now on and the crowd goes wild.

They call my name and I go up on stage and wave.

We begin singing "I Need You". After we sing "I Need You" we sing "Fake Love" then "Dope" and then last "Blood Sweat & Tears".

When the crowd sings with us, I feel so much energy. I absolutely love being up on stage with them and surrounded by the ARMY.

Since I am now done singing and dancing to the songs that I am in, I wave to the crowd and blow kisses, and leave the stage.

The boys continue to sing more songs. One of my favorites is "Not Today". My favorite lyric is "총! 조준! 발사!" ("Chong! Jojun! Balsa!"- "Point! Aim! Shoot!"). I don't know why I like that lyric so much. I think it is because it is easy to remember.

After they sing "Not Today" I see the boys leave the stage except Jungkook.

Jungkook is announcing that we have a duet, so I go up and enter the stage. The crowd cheers when they see me. Jungkook and I give each other a quick hug and sit in the chairs set up for us.

We begin singing "Purpose" by Justin Bieber again.

In the middle of the song, we stand up and look at each other and hold hands. Singing this song is now more personal than just singing it. It is now actually true what we are singing to each other.

The song is now over and the crowd goes crazy. You can hear everyone yelling "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

We both shake our heads and just give each other a hug.

I exit the stage and the rest of the boys are now back up there finishing it out.

For the final bow, I make my way on stage and say my goodbye's.

This was such a good concert! Singing and dancing with these boys has been the best thing to happen to me.

We all head back to the bus now and start getting ready to go get some food.

We are just planning on going to a pizza place or something, so I put on jeans, a sweater, and tennis shoes.

I meet the boys outside by the van that is going to take us, so we don't have to take the big bus.

We all get in the van and head to the nearest pizza place.

Since it is late at night, we all eat pretty quickly because we want to get back to the bus to go to sleep. Tomorrow we have to get on a plane to Korea. Next weekend's concert is at Olympic Stadium in Seoul, South Korea.

We finish eating, get in the van, and head back to the bus. It is now 11:30pm.

The bus is about 10 minutes away, so I rest my head on Jungkook's shoulder and slip into a little nap.

I am woken up by Jungkook when we get there. I get out of the van and get into the bus. I get ready for bed and get into bed. I am not getting up to go tell them goodnight. I am too tired for that.

I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in," I say.

Jungkook comes in. I am already half asleep. He gives me a quick little peck on my cheek and says, "Goodnight."

"Goodn...," I reply.

I could hear him giggle and then close the door. I was in deep sleep at that point.

Gotta prepare for a 14.5 hour flight tomorrow.

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