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Last night's concert was a whirlwind of emotions. Today, we have to do some more rehearsals before we head to our next location, Chicago.

We get to the studio we rented for the day and do some more practice. This practice, for some reason, seems harder than the previous practices.

I think I am just really tired and my eyes are still kind of puffy from last night. Jungkook's eyes are kind of puffy, too, but that may just be from him almost passing out last night.

We rehearse for a few hours, and at the end I am sweating like crazy. It is now about 2pm, so we head to the showers in the studio and each take showers in the locker rooms.

When we finish around 3pm, we all head to the bus to get going to Chicago. The drive is about 11.5 hours, but we are gonna take some stop along the way to give the driver some time to rest. Tonight when we sleep, we are going to stop all night at a bus stop to let the driver sleep.

So, we should arrive to Chicago around 11:30 am tomorrow, NJ time, so 10:30 Chicago time.

Driving schedule:

Drive 3:30-7:00pm

Stop: 7:00-7:30pm

Drive: 7:30-10:00pm

Stop: 10:00pm-7:00am

Drive: 7:00-11:30am (10:30am)

We begin our drive to Chicago. I am sitting in the sitting area near the front of the bus watching some Netflix on my laptop.

RapMon, Suga, and J-Hope are all working on their music in their bunks. V and Jimin are playing a video game on the TV. Jin is eating some food from the fridge. Jungkook is writing something down in his notebook and he is humming something to himself. I think he is working on a new song.

At each rest stop, we get off the bus and just play games in the grass for the half hour. When we get back on the bus, we go back to doing what we did before.

Tonight, when the bus driver stops the bus at the bus stop. We all get ready to go to bed. I help the bus driver and one of the managers pull out the pull out couches in the sitting area, and I tell all the guys goodnight. I head to my room in the back and go to sleep.

It is now about 9:30am. We left the bus stop about 2.5 hours ago. All the guys are still asleep, but the bus driver and the manager with us are awake.

I get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed, and head out to the sitting area. The guys told me about this thing called V Live, so I think I am going to do that.

I set up my phone and begin to talk. Within seconds, there are about 200 people watching me. I've never used this before, but I guess I'm on the BTS Channel's list or whatever.

For about 10 minutes, I'm just answering questions people are asking me and I am just eating and doing whatever.

I've been live for about 30 minutes and most of the guys are awake already. V, Jimin, Jin, and J-Hope have joined my live. There are about 1.2k people watching us right now.

Jungkook is still asleep, RM and Suga are just sitting on the other side of the room doing their own things.

Jungkook wakes up and sees us doing a live, so he comes and sits next to V and joins in. Now we are all on my live, answering questions and just having fun.

We just arrived to Chicago, so it is about 10:30am. We ended the live about 10 minutes ago, so we were live for about 50 minutes.

We get to the arena, the United Center, and park the bus. We get out and begin rehearsals right away.

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