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Today, we all go to the studio to rehearse some of the songs and practice the dances again before we leave tomorrow for Newark, NJ.

Some of the guys go into private little rooms to practice their solo pieces, and some go and help out and watch.

Jungkook and I go into another studio room, made for recording music, to practice the new duet song.

The tension in the room is unreal, I mean, it is intense.  But, I quickly push it aside and act like normal.

"So," he says, "What song do you think we should sing?"

"'Nothing Like Us' by Justin Bieber," I reply with quickly.

He nods and we begin to figure out who is gonna sing what.

"Ok, how about this," I begin, "You start with:

'Lately I've been thinking/thinking about what we had/I know it was hard and it was all that we knew/Yeah/Have you been drinking/to take all the pain away? I wish that I could give you what you deserve...'

Then I'll sing:

'Cause nothing can ever/Ever replace you/Nothing can make me feel like you do/Yeah'

Then you sing:

'You know there's no one I can relate to./And know we won't find a love that's so true.'

Then we both sing the (Chorus):

'There's nothing like us/There's nothing like you and me/Together through the storm./There's nothing like us/There's nothing like you and me/Together, oh'

Then I sing:

'I gave you everything, baby,/Everything I had to give.'

Then you sing:

'Girl why would you push me away, yeah?'

Then I sing:

'Lost in confusion/Like an illusion.'

Then you sing:

'You know I'm used to making your day.'

Then we both sing:

'But that is the past now/We didn't last now/I guess that this is meant to be, yeah.'

Then I sing:

'Tell me, was it worth it?'

Then we both sing:

'We were so perfect'

Then you sing:

'But, baby, I just want you to see'

Then we both sing the (Chorus) 2 more times and the song is over."

After I give Jungkook a quick little run-through of how I think it should go, he just nods.  I guess he doesn't have any input.  So, we just go to practicing it and I think it sounds pretty good.

Another 20 minutes goes by and we finish.  We walk outside the door and head to the main studio room to practice the dances.  The whole group and I practice all the dances we will perform and sing what our parts are.  

It is now about 5:00pm and we finish up.  So, we all hop in the van and head back to the house to pack to leave tomorrow.

At the house, I finish packing really quickly.  I just know how to pack fast now I guess because I do it so often.  When I finish, I brush my teeth and wash my face and just go to bed.  I am so exhausted and I just want to fall into a deep slumber.

It is now the next day and our flight is at 7am here, so we should be arriving to New Jersey by about 8am New Jersey time, 10pm Seoul time.  

I wake up at about 5:00 and get ready to go.  I am ready to head out the door at 5:30.  I have to wait for the guys though because they woke up 10 minutes ago.

It is now 5:50 and they are finally ready to leave.  We all hop in the van and head towards the airport.

When we get there, barely anyone is there, so we get through baggage check and TSA fairly quickly.   We get on our plane at 6:45 and prepare ourselves for the 14 hour 50 minute flight.

I, again, sit with V on this flight.  We just had so much fun on the last flight, we want to sit together again.  This flight though, we both sleep for at least 8 hours of it.  We are awake for 6 hours, so we make jokes and watch movies for the next 6 hours.

We arrive in New Jersey at 8:15am and head to baggage claim.  We grab our suitcases and head to the bus they have ready for us.  From now until our concert in New York in 2 weeks, we will be living on this tour bus.  From Newark, we will drive to Chicago for next weekend's concert, and then from Chicago to New York for the next weekend's concert.

On the bus, I get the back room again and the guys get the bunks.  We get ready to go to dress rehearsals for the day, so we get dressed and head to the Prudential Center.

At the Prudential Center, we check out the lights and how big the arena is and make sure everything is A-Ok.

Now we are practicing our dances on the stage with the lights and effects, minus certain ones that can only be used once, and that is during the concert.

After we finish dancing, we test the mics out to make sure they are all working.  Then we are now practicing dancing and singing with the mics.

We finally finish dress rehearsals by about 4pm and we head to go get some early dinner.  We stop at this restaurant and the managers go in and get us food to bring onto the bus so we don't have to worry about the crowds and stuff.

I ordered a salad and the guys all ordered chicken and stuff.  We all eat pretty quickly and then head back to the arena to park the bus for the night.

When we get to the arena again, the guys all get out and stand outside to play soccer or some game they enjoy.  I stay on the bus.  

Right now would be a good time to film a Youtube video, so I decide to do that.  I go and grab my camera and set it up in the living space and sit down.

I talk to the camera about what's been going on with my life and just how I'm feeling.  

In the middle of filming I hear someone call my name, "Jade!  Come play with us!"

I laugh and say, "No thank you!" and go back to filming.  I hear all the guys laughing, too.

Once I finish filming.  I situate myself on one of the couches, put my earbuds in my laptop, plug in the simcard in the USB drive and plug it into my computer, and start editing.

I am editing for about an hour and then the guys all come inside the bus again.

I take my earbuds out when they come in.

"What are you doing?" asks Jin.

"Editing my new Youtube video," I reply, "What were y'all playing?"

"We were trying to play soccer," says Jimin, "but someone kept kicking the ball behind that metal fence," he says pointing to the fence and looking at Jin.

Jin gives a "I surrender" look and puts his hands up, "I never said I was good at soccer."  Everyone laughs and goes to doing their own thing.

Jungkook and V start playing some video games on their phones, RM and Suga are editing some of their music, J-Hope is listening to music, and Jin is trying to be funny and make Jimin laugh, but Jimin is just looking at him like "what the hell man." 

I go back to editing my video.  After about another 30 minutes, I finish.

"Hey guys," I say closing my laptop and taking my earbuds out, "I'm gonna go to bed, see y'all tomorrow."

I wave at all the guys and they all wave back and say in unison, "Goodnight."

I make my way to the back room and wash my face and brush my teeth, then I lie on my bed and just pass out.  

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