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It is Saturday now. Today I am wearing the black ripped shorts with black and white tube top and white shoes.

It is 9:30am and the BHE managers sent over the car again to bring us to the arena.

When we get there, the boys are already there.

"JADE!" All the guys say in unison.

Jin runs over and gives me a goofy hug and V follows.

I give Jimin, J-Hope, RM, and Suga a quick hug and then I make my way over to Jungkook who is a little distance behind the rest. I give him a quick hug and then make my way to meet the BHE managers.

On the way there though, I turn around real quick and see all the guys walking over to Jungkook knuckling his head and (playfully) hitting him. I wonder why.

Anyway, I make my way over to the BHE managers. My mom is already over there and they are talking.

"Hello." I say to both of the managers.

"Hello Jade!" one of them says. I sit down, "So, are you ready to know your surprise?"

"Oh yes haha. What is it?"

"Tonight at the boys concert, the boys want you to sing a song or two with them."

My mouth drops. They want me to perform with them? Oh. my. goodness.

"Wait are you serious?" I reply.

"Dead serious," one replies.

"YES!" I say jumping up, "Oh my goodness YES! I would love to!"

The other BHE manager stands up and says, "Good! Let's get to rehearsals right away."

I am so excited! The boys want me to perform with them tonight. I am so honored.

The songs they want me to perform with them tonight are "I Need You" and "FAKE LOVE".

They also want me to dance with them during "MIC Drop". I cannot believe this is happening to me right now. I actually get to perform to a large crowd of people with my favorite band.

Rehearsals go good. They, obviously, have to shift their spots a bit and they have to teach me the moves. They were already prepared for this though. They also already had what parts I am going to be singing. How prepared.

I am eager to get to the concert. I am also very nervous though. I feel like I am going to forget things and ruin it all.

"Are you ready Jade? You seem very ready!" says RM.

"I feel ready, but I am so scared that I am going to mess up and ruin it all."

"That is Jin's job," jokes Jimin. Everyone laughs and Jin puts on a fake "I'm hurt" look.

"Haha thanks. I needed that."

"I didn't," says Jin. Everyone laughs again.

"But, for real, don't worry about it, we wont let you mess up. It'll be fine. You know all of the steps and lyrics so you should be more than fine," says Jungkook.

I look at his eyes and he looks at mine.

"Thanks JK," I saw and smile at him. I look down after a few seconds and he does, too. The other guys can tell what is happening and they quickly say we should rehearse again. I see Jimin and V take Jungkook away again and talk to him quietly.

We are about to rehearse one more time and I look over at them and see Jungkook looking at me and then Jimin and V look back at me and then turn around.

I'm starting to wonder if they have been talking about me. I mean, I've had a feeling but I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to make assumptions.

Rehearsals are over now and I feel more prepared. I am so excited!

The guys and I go out to lunch while my mom and the BHE managers go to an office space to talk for a bit.

The seating arrangement in the van is the same as last night. Me next to Jungkook.

I always feel so nervous around him. I wonder if he feels nervous around me, too, or if it is just me. I hope it isn't just me.

The car ride was very lively. Suga was the DJ and he played all sorts of American songs. We all sang at the top of our lungs, not very good (ironic), and it was so funny.

We arrive at the place we are eating at for lunch and go in. I get a black bean burrito and the boys get a lot of chicken and rice.

We all sit down at a long table at the far end of the restaurant. This time, I am sitting in between V and Jimin. I am sitting across from Jungkook.

I keep catching him looking at me. I pretend like I don't notice, so I just act normal. I talk to Jimin and V a lot and they goof around a lot. Jin is messing with Jungkook a lot, too.

I don't know why, but I can sense that Jungkook is getting kind of aggravated/annoyed. He seems kinda sad. He keeps looking at me and V. V and I have been talking a lot but that is because it is so easy to talk to him. We have become really good friends.

After we eat, we head back to the van. The ride back to the arena is kind of quiet, not as lively as on the way to the restaurant.

When we get out and walk into the arena, we get on stage and just sit down and talk in a circle. We do a lot of talking because there is a lot to talk about and it is just so easy to have a conversation with them. Plus, I want to get to know them as much as possible while I can.

In the circle, the order is: RM, J-Hope, Jungkook, Suga, Jin, Jimin, me, then V.

About 15 minutes into the talk, Jungkook gets up and gestures V to go with him.

Jimin gives me a look and then looks back at Jungkook and V and then at the other guys.

Jungkook and V start to walk away quietly and quickly. I can sense something is wrong but I don't know what.

Jimin then gets up and rushes to Jungkook and V. They had gone outside the backstage door into the hallway where we could not see them. RM, Suga, J-Hope, Jin, and I stay quiet to see if we can hear what they are saying because they are talking kind of loudly.

I, obviously, cannot understand what they are saying because they are speaking in Korean. But, the other guys can. So, I just kind of watch their reactions to what is being said.

All of their eyes go wide and they all look at me almost in sync.

Jin and RM then rush to the hallway to see what is going on.

Suga, J-Hope, and I are just sitting there quietly not knowing what to do.

"What is happening?" I ask them.

"Umm..," J-Hope says looking at Suga desperately.

"Umm, they're uh just talking about uh how one of them stole the other's food," Suga replies.

I can tell he is lying. There is no way that that is the reason.

After about 2 minutes, I see RM walk in first, then Jin, then Jimin with V, and then Jungkook. They all look worn out.

I'm kind of worried, but I decide to just let it be.

I wonder what happened.

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