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It is now January 10 and I have to fly to Japan to meet up with the guys who are already there.

Christmas and New Years were so much fun and I'm so happy I got to come home to spend it with my mom. 

My mom is driving me to the airport in Phoenix to get on the flight to Japan.  The flight is about 19 hours and 25 minutes long with 2 stops.  My flight is at 7:00am, so I should arrive at 2:25am the next day Arizona time, 6:25pm Japan time.

The guys are expecting my arrival so one or two of them is going to come pick me up. 

We get to the airport and my mom helps me get my luggage out.

"Bye Mom," I say giving her a hug.

"Bye hunny, stay safe and have fun!"

"I will.  I love you!" 

"I love you, too!"

Tears are forming in my eyes and my mom is already crying.  I head into the airport and give her a little wave.  She waves back and gets into the car and drives off.

The police at the airport here and at my connections know that I will need security, so I have guards with me.

I make it through baggage check and TSA quickly and get on the flight. 

All the way to the first connection I sleep the whole way.  On the way to the second connection, I sleep for half of it, but for the most part I watch Netflix.

I arrive in Japan at about 6:30pm and get off the plane and head towards baggage claim.  When I get there, I grab my bag and head towards the exit where people are getting picked up.

I look for one of the guys, but I don't see any of them.  I check my texts and in the group chat V said he is here, but I don't see him.

I look up from my phone, and at that moment, I see a car pull up, and I cannot believe who is driving.  It's Jungkook.

He gets out the car, "Hey Jade.  Welcome to Japan," he says taking giving me a hug.  He then takes my bag and puts it in the trunk.

"Hey," I say kind of confused, "Tae said he is here."

"Yeah I wanted to surprise you," he said.

"Oh?  Why?" I ask.

"Well, Jimin said you and Kim called him over break," he says.

"Oh did he?  What about?" I ask acting aloof and getting into the car.

When Jungkook gets in the car he says, "He said you asked if I still wanted to be with you."

"Oh did he?  I don't recall."

"Yeah," he says laughing, "And I think he said you said you want to be with me."

"Did he?  I don't think that happened."

I look at him and he is smiling at me.  I smile back and he leans in and kisses me. 

"Are you sure you don't remember?" he asks me.

"Oh yeah, I remember now," I say as we lean in and kiss each other again.

Jungkook's smile fades slightly and he is just looking at me, "Jade, " he says taking my hands, looking more serious now, "I need you in my life, and I want you in my life, so will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes," I say smiling at him and a smile grows on his face.

He nods, pretending to be cool, and begins to drive towards the hotel we will be staying at.  The whole way there, he holds my hand.  At one point, he lifts my hand up and kisses the top of it.  I rub his hand with my thumb and just look out the window at Nagoya, Japan.

When we arrive at the hotel, the guys are all waiting for us outside and when they see the car pull up they all jump up and down and scream.  I just laugh at how funny they look.

Jungkook gets out the car and comes around to open the door for me.

He puts his hand out for me to take and we walk to the other side of the car where the guys are, hand-in-hand. 

"Are you guys back together?!" yells Jimin.

Jungkook and I look at each other and nod.  All the guys scream and run to us.  I give them each a hug and we all make our way into the hotel eventually.

I go to my room and get situated.  

After about 30 minutes, I get a text from Jungkook:

"Hey come to my room"

"Ok," I reply with.

I make my way over to his room and knock on the door. 

"Hey," he says as he opens the door.

"What's up?" I ask him closing the door.

"Not much.  I just want to spend some time with you," he says.

I smile as I go to sit on his bed.  He has the TV on and the channel playing is the kpop gossip channel.

The girl comes back up an today's hot story is about my arrival to Japan and how Jungkook picked me up.

"Oh my goodness are they serious," I say lying back on the bed, "That is already the top story?  That happened like 45 minutes ago."

"I know," says Jungkook lying on the bed and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I missed this," I say snuggling up to him.

"Me, too," he said giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I look at his bedside table and see the present I gave him.  A picture frame with a picture of us on it from in New York when we first started dating.

"Hey that's the present I gave you for Christmas," I say pointing at the picture. 

He looks at the picture and says, "Yeah I like that picture.  I carry it with me everywhere."

"I thought you didn't like it since you didn't call me Christmas day," I said.

"I did call you," he said, "But you did not pick up."

"What?" I say looking up at him.  I grab my phone and check my calls and I don't see a missed call from him.  I show him and he looks at his phone.  On his phone, it says there was a call.

"Weird," I say.

"Yeah, oh well," he says.

"Well at least now I know you like it," I say laughing.

He laughs too and we go back to watching the TV.

Now it is about 8:00pm and we have to go down for dinner.  So, we both make our way down and eat.

In the middle of dinner, I look up at Jungkook, who is sitting across from me, and he smiles at me and forms his hands into a heart.  

I laugh and how goofy and cute he is.  I also love him in his glasses and I wish he would wear them more.

After dinner, all the guys and I make our way back up to the hotel room and get ready for bed.  

Jungkook walks me to my hotel door.

"Goodnight Jade," he says leaning against the door frame.

"Goodnight Jungkook," I say.

We are both just looking into each other's eyes.  He gives me a smile.

We both lean in and give each other a quick kiss and I open my door and head into my room.

Wow, um, why have I not been with him this whole time again?  That kiss has made me forget.

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