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It is fricken 4:30am. Jungkook comes in to wake me up. Our flight is in two hours. The bus is already moving on the way to the airport to drop us off.

I get up and get ready for the day. I want to be comfortable today, so I put on my sweatpants, sweatshirt, hat, and tennis shoes.

We arrive at the airport and we get out. Jungkook takes my hand and sticks it in his side pocket. There are cameras everywhere surrounding us. We all have our heads down and are walking quickly.

Inside the airport, we go through everything quickly.

We make our way to the airplane and board immediately. The seating arrangement on this flight is the same as the one to NYC from Arizona.

The plane takes off at 6:30 and most of the boys are already asleep.

Jungkook is on his phone watching a video. I take out my laptop and decide to do some school work. I get a lot done, thank goodness.

I am really exhausted and there are now 12 hours left on this flight.

I look over at Jungkook who is now sleeping soundly with his hands crossed in front of him. So, I recline my seat a little, move the cup holder between us, and place my hand on top of his.

I feel one of his hands move to on top of mine. Having my hand in his is a very comforting feeling.

I wake up to the sun shining through our window. Jungkook is already up eating. I sit up and see food in front of me still hot. I go to eating. It is now 9:45am. 9 more hours on this flight to go.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him.

"Good," he said, "What about you?"

"Good. What time did you wake up?"

He looks at his phone, "About 30 minutes ago."

We finish eating and they come to pick it up. He puts a movie up on the tv in front of him and he moves the cup holder between us. I lean into him and rest my head on his chest.

Not too long after the movie started, I fall asleep.

After about 3 hours, someone taps me. It is Jimin and V. They show me a picture of us that they just took. I look at Jungkook who is sleeping, too. In the picture he has his arm around me and I am on his chest.

"Why did you take that?" I ask laughing quietly.

"Because it it cute," says Jimin.

They both gesture for me to follow them so I do. I follow them to their little cubicle and sit down to talk to them.

"What's up guys?" I ask.

"Not much. We just want to know how you're doing. We know this schedule can be packed and stressful," says V.

"Thanks for checking on me," I say laughing a little, "but ya I'm doing fine.. so far," we all laugh.

"Good. If it get's too stressful you can always come to us, and you can definitely go to Jungkookie," says Jimin. Again, we burst into laughter.

We talk for a little while longer about different things.

Now I am heading back to Jungkook and I's little cubicle. He is still sleeping.

He is so cute when he is sleeping. I don't want to wake him, so I just get out my computer and do some more work.

Now it is 5:30pm. Only an hr and a half left on this plane.

Jungkook woke up a little while ago and we've just been talking.

Now, he is watching a show on TV and I am checking my socials. I haven't checked them in a while.

On my instagram, I now have 1.4 million followers. I originally had 20k. What the heck! On twitter I have 1 million followers when I originally had 10k. I even have people following me on pinterest and snapchat.

I am tagged in so many things now and there are so many likes and comments on my pictures. I don't think I've posted in like 3 weeks.

I guess I'll post now.

I get Jungkook to pose with me in a selfie and I post that with the caption, "Heading to Seoul, South Korean for another concert ;)" and tagged @bts.bighitoffical. Within seconds, I had 100,000 likes. This is crazy.

I get out of my socials and put my phone down.

We land in Seoul at 7:00pm NYC time, 9:00am Seoul time. So, we have a whole day ahead of us. Good thing we slept a lot on the plane.

This week is going to be filled with rehearsal after rehearsal after rehearsal.

I am so excited though.

We get off the plane and walk to a van waiting for us. There are cameras an people standing taking pictures of us again. We put our hoodies up and put our heads down. Jungkook takes my hand again to help guide me.

Out of nowhere, someone grabs my sweatshirt and yanks me back. It is a camera man wanting a picture of my face up close. When he grabbed me, my hand got yanked out of Jungkook's.

Right before the man turned me around completely, I saw Jungkook turn around.

Now I am turned all the way around facing the guy. I have my hood on, my hat on, and my sunglasses on. I also have a surgical mask on.

The man's hands begin to reach up to take my mask and glasses off to take the picture of my face, but before he can, Jungkook comes in and pushes the man away. I can tell Jungkook is mad. Before he does more, I hold him back and turn him around. I grab his hand and begin to walk the opposite direction.

Jungkook keeps turning around to see if the man is following. He isn't.

Jungkook then takes his hand out mine and puts his arm around me. I put my arm around his waist.

We get in the van and we are sitting in the back this time. I get in before Jungkook. I take off my hood, hat, and sunglasses.

"Jade! What happened?" asked Jimin.

Before I could say anything, Jungkook speaks up, "This asshole grabbed her because he wanted to take a picture of his face. I pushed him away before he could, though."

"Are you ok?" asked Jin to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say looking at Jungkook giving him a soft smile.

The guys turn around to face the front now and Jungkook is still looking at me, but with a worried expression.

I look up at him and lean in and whisper in his ear, "I'm ok. I swear. He didn't hurt me."

When I lean back, he is still looking at me. I give him another slight smile and lean into him.

He puts his arm around me and gives me a kiss on the top of my head.

I love how we have only been dating for a week and he is already protective of me.

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