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It's been about a week since my graduation.  The guys and I have to go back to Seoul to start rehearsals for the upcoming tour which will begin in August.  So, we have about 2 months of rehearsal and free time.  

I finished packing last night and today we are heading to the airport to go back to Seoul.  

My mom and I know that we won't be able to see each other for a long time, so we give each other a big hug and the guys and I head out.

Kim is also there to tell us goodbye.  It must be really hard for her and Jimin.  For Jungkook and I, it isn't that hard since we live in the same place and do the same thing together.  Kim and Jimin live abut 6,000 miles from each other.  They give each other hugs and kisses and I can see Kim is crying.

I walk up to her and give her a big hug, "Kim!  I'm gonna miss you!  I'll see you soon though!  Come visit whenever you want."

I give her a reassuring smile and she tries to smile back.

We all hop in the van and head towards the airport.  

On the flight, Jungkook and I sit together, V and Jimin sit together, RapMon and Suga sit together, and Jin and J-Hope sit together.  All the guys fall asleep really quickly, I on the other hand, cannot fall asleep.  So, I just stay up and watch movies and eat.  

About half way through the flight, Jungkook begins to wake up.  He opens up his arm, half asleep, for me to lie in and he wraps his arms around me.  I look up at him and just admire him.  I begin to play with his hair and he opens his eyes and looks at me.  

I begin to poke his face in a goofy way and just admiring everything.  

"You want to know what my favorite things on your face are?" I ask him.  

He laughs because of how silly the question is and shrugs.  

"I love the little birthmark under your bottom lip," I say brushing my hand on his birthmark, "and I love the scar on your cheek from when you were a little boy," I say brushing my hand on his scar.

I look back up at his eyes and he is looking at me smiling.

"You want to know what I love about your face?" he says to me laughing.  I shrug, just as he did.

"I love the birthmark in the corner of your eye," he says brushing his hand on the birthmark by my eye, "and I love the way your lips curl on the ends naturally," he says while brushing his fingers over my lips.  

I smile like a stupid person and he laughs.  I lean in and give him a soft little kiss and then we go back to lying down, my head on his chest, and his arm around me.

After about another hour, we are almost to Seoul.  I fix my seat into the upright position and watch some more TV.  

When we are about to start descending to land, I wake Jungkook up and he gets situated.  We are now both watching the TV waiting to land.  

Once we have landed, we get off the flight and leave the jetway.  When we exit the doorway to get to baggage claim, we are surrounded by flashing cameras and screaming girls.

The guys stop to sign some autographs and take some pictures, but I just continue walking.  I mean, no one was calling my name and people barely know who I am still, so I'm just gonna let the guys do their thing.

I grab my bag and sit down at a bench by the baggage claim area and wait for the guys, who are still signing autographs and taking pictures.

I take this time to check my socials.  I post quite often, but I don't usually take time to actually check them.  So, I first go on Instagram.  Last I remember, I had 1.4 million followers.  Now, I have 8.7 million.  Geezums.

On Instagram, I go through my tagged pictures and go in and like some.  I also reply to some comments I really like. 

Next I go to Twitter.  I never was a big tweeter, so I just go through the feed and retweet some things.  I have 5.3 million followers on Twitter now.

I am a huge Pinterest person, so I go on there.  I have 1.9 million followers on there.  I love to pin things and create new boards on Pinterest.  It's just a nice place to be artsy. 

Lastly I go on Snapchat.  I use Snapchat a lot, too.  I post a lot on my story (I also post a lot on my Instagram story).  I decide to post something right now.  I film a quick little 20 second video, "Hey guys, I'm at the airport waiting for the guys, who have been surrounded by you guys."  I point to the camera when I say "you guys" and I laugh at the end.  I love the filters Snapchat has, so I use the one with pink hearts around the head.

Within seconds, 4K people have seen my story.  I also go in and reply to some of my friends I have on there.  Thank goodness I have the settings to where only friends can snapchat me because then I would be bombarded with a lot of snapchats from the ARMY.

After about ten minutes, the guys make their way to baggage claim.  Jin is the first one to see me, "Jade!   We thought we lost you!"

I laugh and stand up and walk to them.  Before I looked at my socials, I got their luggage for them.  What a good friend huh?

Jungkook comes up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders, "Look at you getting our luggage," he says jokingly.  I roll my eyes and we all head out of the airport.

"Sorry it took us so long," says Jimin, "the paparazzi and those girls can be CRAZY!" 

Everyone laughs and we get into the van waiting for us.

We head to the BTS house and we all get situated in our rooms.  I unpack everything and make the room more homey.  

I walk to Jungkook and V's room to see how their unpacking is going. 

I knock on the door and lightly open it, "Hey how's unpacking going?" I ask Jungkook.

He gives a thumbs up and points to the side.  I look at what he's pointing at and I see V sleeping.  I giggle silently and close the door lightly. 

Now I am kind of hungry, so I go into the kitchen and fix up a salad and some salmon for the guys and I.  

I set the table and make each plate.

"Guys!  Food!" I yell and all the guys run in.  Jimin runs in rubbing his hands together and V runs in licking his lips.  

"You made this?" asks Jungkook walking up to me and wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.

"Yes I did.  Now eat before the salmon gets cold!" 

The guys don't argue and sit down and go straight to eating.  

The dinner table is very lively with lots of conversation.  There is also a lot of joking around.  

After dinner, Jin and J-Hope said they would clean up, so the rest of the guys decide to watch some TV.

I, on the other hand, am very tired, so I head straight to my room and lie down.  I fall asleep quickly, but am slightly awakened by movement in my bed.  I feel an arm wrap around me and pull me close.  I look to see who it is and it is Jungkook.  He is already almost asleep.  He must be tired, too. 

I lay my head back down and fall back asleep in his arms.  

Falling asleep in his arms has become a natural thing, and I really like it.  I really could get used to this.

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