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It's been two days since I read about Jungkook in "allkpop". The guys are supposed to be coming back home today. V texted me about 30 minutes ago saying they were heading to the airport and they should be back home by tonight.

I am still very upset about Jungkook. But, I am mostly mad. I honestly don't want to see him tonight and pretend like everything is ok until the rest of the guys go to sleep.

Right when I start to think about what to do, Kim calls me.

"Hello?" I say starting to come back to reality from my thoughts.

"Hey Jade. How are you doing?" says Kim in a slightly concerned tone.

"I'm fine. I'm trying to think about what to do because the guys should be back by tonight and I just don't know if I can face him right now."

"Hum," says Kim, "Let me help you think."

"Ok," I reply with and I go back to thinking.

After a few moments of silence, Kim speaks up, "Why don't you come here, to my apartment for a bit and we can work this out."

I think for a few seconds, I mean, I haven't seen Kim in a long time, and I do need some time to get away. So, I quickly reply with, "Ok sure. Can I come over tomorrow?"

"Of course!" she says, "See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow," I say, and then I hang up the phone and get to packing.

I look on my computer and book the first flight out, in first class, which is in an hour and a half. So, I quickly get all my stuff in my suitcase, grab my computer and chargers and stuff those in my backpack, and head out.

I get a taxi and arrive to the airport. Going through baggage check and TSA was really quick and I made it to the first class lounge with about 30 minutes to spare.

When it is time to board the flight, I make my way to the gate entrance and board the plane. I get situated in my seat and begin to think about how it used to be a two seat "suite". Now, it's just one.

Quickly, I shove those thoughts of Jungkook and I aside and get settled in the seat. The flight is 14 hours and 50 minutes nonstop, so I should arrive to Kim's by about 8pm Atlanta time, 5am Seoul time. I fall asleep quickly and wake up with about an hour left on the flight.

When we land in Atlanta, Kim is at baggage claim waiting for me. After I grab my suitcase, I see her and she runs to me and gives me a big hug. Just seeing her running to me, my best friend, makes me cry because her presence is so comforting and I know she will help me through this.

I kneel to the ground with her still hugging me and I am crying even more. I haven't cried for the past 2 days since I found out about Jungkook, so it feels good to get all this out.

After a few minutes, and I have stopped crying a bit, we head to her car and we head to her apartment. Thank goodness her roommate isn't in town right now because that would be an embarrassing way to meet her.

Once at her apartment, she goes to the kitchen to make us some tea and I head to the guest room to get settled.

I turned off my phone on the plane and I haven't turned it on yet, so I do that and I a surge of text messages comes through from all the guys, and even more from Jungkook. There are also 4 missed calls from him.

I don't look at them and just put my phone on the bedside table and walk away into the kitchen. Kim is sitting in the living room sipping some tea and I walk in and sit on the couch next to her. She hands me my tea from behind her.

"Thanks," I say giving her a slight smile.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asks me.

"Um, not great," I say as tears begin to form in my eyes. I put my tea down and place my head in my hands.

Kim places her tea down and comes closer to me to give me a hug.

"What's wrong with me?" I ask her. "Why did he do this to me? What did I do wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong," she says rubbing my back, "He is just a stupid boy who did a stupid thing."

I nod and wipe my eyes, and Kim sits up and I look up at her. She gives me a slight smile and goes back to her spot and picks her tea back up.

"Has he texted or called you?"

I take a sip of my tea and nod, "Yeah he called me, I think 4 times, and I have about 50 missed texts from him. The other guys also texted me a few times."

"Did you respond?"

I shake my head, "No and I don't really want to."

She nods and just as she is about to say something else, her phone rings, "Oh it's Jimin," she says looking at the phone and then back at me, "Should I take it? Like do you want me to take it?"

"Yeah sure, you can answer," I reply with while taking another sip of my tea.

She steps out the room to where I can't hear her anymore. After about another 15 minutes, she walks in and sits back down.

"So, what did he want?" I ask her.

"Um, just to say hi, and um, he asked if I knew where you were because they're all worried," she said.

"Well, what did you say?"

"I didn't want to lie, so I said you were here. Don't get mad!"

"I'm not mad," I say, "I just hope he leaves me alone for a while."

She nods and we go back to drinking our tea.

For the rest of the night we talk about college and her and Jimin and just anything we want.

It is now about 11:30 and we decide it's time to go to bed.

She gives me a hug and says, "Hey everything is going to be ok, ok? It'll all work out in the end."

"Thank you," I say hugging her back and nodding. I turn around and head to the guest room to brush my teeth and wash my face. I check my phone one last time and see 3 more calls from Jungkook and more texts.

Most of his texts consist of:

"Jade where are you?"

"Jade what happened?"

"Are you ok?"

"Did I do something?"

"Why arent you answering me?!"

"Call me Jade!"

I don't reply to either of them, and I don't call him back, so I just turn on some music an fall asleep. I am just so exhausted and just want to sleep forever.

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