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I open my eyes and see him sitting in front of me.

"What's up?" I ask him confused.

"V talked to me," says Jungkook.


"Yeah," he says sitting on the edge of my bed, "When I see those signs, they make me miss what we had, too."

I nod and he continues on, "Jade, give me another chance please."

I look up at him and he is looking right at me. Practically starting into my soul. I really don't know what to say.

So, I just reply with, "I don't know Jungkook," and kind of give him a look. He looks down and gets up and heads towards my door.

"We are about to get to New York, about an hour away."

I nod and he closes the door. I really don't know if I can get back together with him, because what he did was honestly so terrible. I mean, was it?

We get to New York, and it's now about 11:00am. When we get to the arena to park the bus, we all get out and they allow us some "free time," in the arena of course.

All the guys go to the open space to play games or whatever, but I just go to a closed off room off of the main room and get my camera because I feel like posting a video.

I set up the camera and begin filming:

"Hey everyone! It's been a hot minute. Welcome back to my channel! Please like and subscribe and make sure to enjoy the video."

I continue to talk about the tour a little bit, but now it's time for the main part of the video.

"Ok, so now that I'm done with all that nonsense y'all probably don't care about, I am going to do an English cover of BTS' song 'Fake Love'. Enjoy!"

I begin to sing 'Fake Love' in English. When hearing the words in English, I begin to really pay attention to what the song is about and it makes more sense. All of their songs really do have hidden meanings.

This song also kind of relates to me because I am really tired of being in a relationship with people and then they turn out to go behind my back and do sh*t and betray me. This has happened two times, and I am sick of it. I thought Jungkook was different.

When I finish singing the cover, I wrap up the video and turn off my camera. I immediately go to editing. Since it is a singing video, editing won't be hard at all.

I finish editing my video within about 1.5 hours. When I finish, I post the video, and now it is about 2:00pm. So, I head out to the main room and all the guys are just lying around on the ground on their phones and eating some snacks.

As I walk out, all the guys stand up and invite me to hang out with them. I sit on the couch next to V and Jimin and I feel relaxed. I lean against V and put my feet up on Jimin and go on Instagram and Twitter on my phone. Then, I go on Youtube and look at some of the comments. My video is #1 on Trending right now. It's crazy how I literally just posted the video maybe 15 minutes ago and it's already #1 on Trending and it has like 900k views.

Out of nowhere, I hear RapMon say, "Jade! Your video is so good!"

"You've watched my video?" I ask laughing.

"Yeah, I just did. I love that! We should all do English covers more often."

I laugh and he does, too.

"What video?" asks Suga.

Before I can speak, RapMon speaks, "Jade posted a video a few minutes ago on her Youtube channel doing a cover to 'Fake Love' in English. You guys should watch it."

"Let's all watch it together," says V. I laugh because I am kind of embarrassed because I don't usually watch my videos with other people.

The guys all nod and they get one of their laptops out of their bag and place it on the couch and we all sit on the ground. RapMon finds the video and turns it on.

At the very beginning where I am just talking, I feel embarrassed, but the guys all seem very intrigued.

When it finally gets to me singing the cover, I can see smiles growing on their faces, except one, Jungkook's. At the end of the video, I kind of explain my interpretation of the song, without bluntly saying what I really interpret it as, and Jungkook is watching very intently. The rest of the guys are kind of nodding in agreement.

When the video is over, they all turn to look at me.

"So," I say kind of awkwardly, "How'd y'all like it?"

Jimin begins to clap and the rest of the guys do as well, except for Jungkook who seems deep in thought.

I just laugh at how the guys are kind of being dramatic about the video.

"I have an idea!" yells Jimin, "If it's ok with Jade, we should all do covers of our songs in English and compile it into one video and Jade can post it on her channel."

They all look at me for approval and I just say, "Oh sure that sounds fun. Great content! Sure to get me lots of views and likes," I say winking and all the guys start laughing.

The guys seem really pumped about this. I am kind of excited to see how they do and what songs they pick to do.

After another few minutes, all the guys are already practicing the songs in English. I don't listen to them though because I want to be surprised when I edit.

So, I put in my earbuds, and fall asleep on the couch and they are all sprawled around the room practicing, so this is a perfect time to sleep.

I wake up around 5:00pm and all the guys are napping on this big mat laid out on the ground.

I don't know what to do, so I just decide to sit on the couch and watch some more Youtube on my phone.

I wish we had gone sight-seeing today, but that would have been a big hassle and just too much. Maybe tomorrow?

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