My Jairiana Story

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Ariana's POV

Yeah, yeah I'm Ariana Grande but I hate that everyone won't treat me like a normal person.

I didn't really know a lot of noncelebrities because of this. They always have to be overly excited when they see me.

I wanted to go to Starbucks and I kind of wasn't in the mood to have fans surrounding me the whole time. So I got a scarf and covered my mouth and wore my makeup differently so then no one will recognize me.

I went out the door and walked there. There was lots of people there so I am pretty happy that I have a disguise. While I ordered a Vanilla Bean frappuccino this guy came up to me and smiled.

Jai's POV

I couldn't help but flirt with this girl, she was absolutely beautiful. She just didn't respond the way I thought she would.

Ariana's POV

I got my drink and began out the door but the guy stopped me at the door.

"I couldn't help but notice that your absolutely gorgeous," he says.

"Thanks cutie , " I couldn't help but compliment him back. I didn't know what to say next but he made the awkwardness go away.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time?" he moves closer to me.

"Um that's sweet," I avoid an answer.

"Can I see your phone?" he asks me while taking out his phone.

"Sure I guess," I hand him my phone but I watch what he does with it. He somehow finds my number and puts it in his phone.

"I'll call you," he smiles and he gives me my phone back," But why are you wearing that scarf? I can hardly see your beautiful face," He says and strokes my hair.

I giggle but stop instantly because for all I know he could be luring me to his house where he'll kidnap me

"I don't even know you so why should I answer your call," I question him with squinted eyes.

"My name is Jai Brooks and you are?" he smiles sweetly.

"I'm-," I pause, "You know who I am!" I leave my answer at that and I leave out the door.

Jai's POV

The girl left and I still didn't have her name. But luckily I still had her number. I was gonna call her RIGHT when I got home because I really like her.

I get home and go to my room and dial her number.

"Hello?" she says.

"I know this is super soon but would you like to go to the park with me?" I ask her hoping she'll say yes.

"I don't think I really can," she mumbles but loud enough that I can hear.

"I know we just met but what's the point in meeting if we will never hang out?" I continue, "I think you're really gorgeous and I want to get to know you, so can we please just hang out today and see how it goes?"

There was a pause, "oh, okay." she answers quietly.


Ariana's POV

I was agreeing to go to the park with this dude and I didn't want to look like the way I did at Starbucks so I decided to do my regular make up and not where a scarf. I was of course easy going but I wasn't stupid...of course I'm bringing a pocket knife with me.

I get to the park seeing Jai leaning against a tree looking at the sky then he spots me. He runs over and smiles.

"You look different, you know in a good way, you look like...," I interrupt him.

"Ariana Grande?" I smile, "I know." the wind blows my hair back revealing my face.

"I swear you're her twin," his eyebrows slant in confusion and I just roll my eyes.

"I AM Ariana Grande idiot!" I playfully punch him.

We start to walk and talk and get to know each other. We laughed at like everything the other person said because we were both funny of course! Then I heard thunder, and it suddenly started pouring.

"Oh my gosh! My hair!" I can not mess up these curls!

Jai puts his jacket over my head and grabs my hand. He pulls my hair behind my ear and leans close to my face looking straight into my eyes.

I blush bright red bringing out my own make up blush and smile. I feel mascara running down my face but he wipes it away.

"Ariana Grande, I like you, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met," he smiles with his hand keeping my hair back.

He leans in a little more and smiles again. With his other hand he pulls my body towards him and gives me a long, gentle kiss.

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