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Caregiver: Jungkook
Little: Taehyung
Others: Jimin (caregiver), Yoongi (Little)

Taehyung woke up in little space and realised that his daddy wasn't sleeping beside him. Taehyung decided to get up and ready into some comfy clothes, struggling a bit but managed, before going to find his daddy.

He went down the stairs and into the kitchen to see his daddy feeding his friend Yoongi.

"Morning baby, what do you want for your breakfast?" Jungkook asked while feeding Yoongi.

"Can TaeTae have cereal?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded.

"I'll feed Yoongi first and then get your breakfast ready, okay?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded.

"Okay daddy" Taehyung said and walked into the living room sighing.

He sat on the sofa watching cartoons before his daddy shouted him through for his breakfast.

"TaeTae breakfast his ready" and with that Taehyung ran into the kitchen happily and waited for his daddy to feed him.

"I'm going to be in the living room with Yoongi, you can feed yourself for today, can't you baby?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded before being alone in a different room again.

He didn't eat much of his cereal because he didn't have his daddy to feed him or keep him company. After eating only a little bit of his breakfast he reentered the living room seeing Yoongi cuddling up to Jungkook while watching cartoons.

"Can daddy play with TaeTae?" Taehyung asked cutely.

"Yoongi wants to watch cartoons, many later Taehyung" Jungkook said not even looking at Taehyung.

He walked back to his and Jungkook's bedroom shutting the door before letting tears fall down his cheeks.

"Daddy doesn't wove TaeTae anymore, daddy wove's Yoonie instead of TaeTae" Taehyung cried as his fists were clutch together trying to wipe his tears away.

After five hours Taehyung went back downstairs to get his daddy's attention again but sees him cuddling Yoongi more.

"Daddy" Taehyung said but got nothing from Jungkook.

Taehyung looked down and went towards the front door that was unlocked. He opened it quietly and went outside. A fresh batch of tears fell down the littles face as he started to run down the street not knowing where he was going.

About an hour after, Yoongi fell asleep on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook smiled and carefully moved Yoongi to lay on the sofa himself. Jungkook sighed and went to find his baby to play with him since Yoongi wanted to watch cartoons.

Jungkook entered there shared room to see Taehyung nowhere. Jungkook was confused and looked over the whole house not seeing a trace of the little. That's when he saw the front door slightly open letting a little breeze through. Jungkook's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He quickly grabbed his phone to call Taehyung but heard his phone ringing up stairs. Then he called Jimin.


"Taehyung's left the house and I don't know where he is! Can you pick Yoongi up?!" Jungkook cut his hyung off and spoke fast.

Jimin came as fast as he could but it took half an hour. During that time Jungkook couldn't sit still, he was pacing backwards and forwards thinking of where Taehyung could be and if anything's happened. When Jimin arrived he picked up Yoongi's sleeping body and strapped him into Jimin's car before they head home.

Jungkook grabbed his keys and locked the front door before running down the street to look for Taehyung. He went to all the places he could think of the park, the video game
store, any store Taehyung likes but nothing. No one had seen him. Jungkook began to panic now. He had no idea where Taehyung could possibly be.

Jungkook continued to run around until he heard voices coming down from an alleyway.

"Ew a little, your disgusting you know that"

"Look at how ugly and fat he is, god no wonder he hasn't got a caregiver"

"Maybe we should take him with us and show him how disgusting he really is"

One of them grabbed Taehyung's arm and yanked him up. Taehyung was fully crying now.

"GET OFF HIM!!" Jungkook got there attention and ran towards them.

He pushed them away from Taehyung and got their grip to loosen from Taehyung's arm. Jungkook immediately picked up Taehyung and ran out the alleyway and all the way back home.

By the time they got home Taehyung was a crying mess again. Jungkook locked the door and took their shoes off before sitting on the sofa. He made Taehyung comfortable on his lap and brought him into a tight warm embrace.

"Baby why did you leave the house?" Jungkook asked softly once Taehyung had calmed down.

"Daddy woves Yoonie more than TaeTae so TaeTae left without daddy's permission and when TaeTae stopped running them group of people cornered TaeTae in the alleyway" Taehyung cried more.

"Baby, I love you more than my life, Jimin said that Yoongi was having a hard time and needed a lot of attention. Daddy didn't mean to make you feel not loved and Daddy is so sorry. I love you so much baby" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's head and brought him closer.

"You wove TaeTae even though he fwat, ugly and disgustwing?" Taehyung asked as more tears fell.

"Baby, who said that?! You are not fat, ugly or disgusting!! You are the most perfect, handsome and adorable person ever!!" Jungkook asked and said a little sternly.

"Them pweepol said that TaeTae was feat and ugly. They owso said that wittles are disgustwing" Taehyung looked up at Jungkook with glossy eyes.

"Don't listen to them baby, you aren't! I love you so much so don't ever think that you are any of them okay?" Jungkook said kissing Taehyung face.

"Okay daddy" Taehyung said snuggling into Jungkook's chest.

For the rest of the night they both cuddled each other and Jungkook showered Taehyung with kisses right until it was Taehyung bedtime.


Uploaded: 19/11/2018
Edited: 15/09/2019

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