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death and heart break

little: taehyung
caregiver: jungkook

Taehyung laid in his and Jungkook's shared bed, sound asleep with a pacifier and snuggled up to his teddy bear. Jungkook was also in the bedroom but he was quietly packing his bags. Today was his and Taehyung's anniversary. Of corse he had forgot.

Once he finished packing his bag he left a note on the bedside table for Taehyung. He grabbed his bags and looked at Taehyung one last time. He sighed softly and he left without looking back. He left the house completely.

A few hours later Taehyung woke up with a massive smile on his face. He looked to his side seeing he was alone. He pouted slightly.

"Dada up alweady?" The little asked himself as he sat up.

He looked to his side seeing a piece of paper on his bedside table that had his name on. He picked it up and opened it seeing it was a note with Jungkook's handwriting.

'Dear Tae,
When you read this I would have left the house. I'm sorry but I can't be dealing with you in little space at the moment and it's not fair if I have to make you come out of it. So I have left. It's only for a while. I'll be back but I just need a break. I'll see you soon.

Taehyung read the note out loud spelling the letters to understand the word but once he finished reading it tears were falling down his cheeks.

"Dada no wove me no more" Taehyung cried as the tears fell onto the note.

He rushed out of bed and looked around the house crying his eyes out but no sign of his daddy.

Taehyung fell to his knees sobbing harshly as he slowly curled up into a ball. He wanted someone to hug and reinsure him about everything. Now the only person he loved and trusted so much in his life, has done the same as everyone else has done to him. Walked out and left him. He now only had a few people left.

Taehyung's tears wouldn't stop falling and he crawled to the phone and he scrolled through until he found one name he needed.


Taehyung presses called and waited for him to answer as tears kept falling.

"Hello? Tae?" Jin asked through the phone.

"D-Dada no wove TaeTae. Dada weave T-TaeTae" Taehyung cried.

Jin immediately started asking questions worriedly as he grabbed his keys and kept on the phone to Taehyung until he arrived at him house. Once he arrived he went straight to the little and hugged him tight to reinsure him.

Jin got Taehyung to calm down and to tell him what happened slowly and in his own time.

When Taehyung told Jin the full thing, he was beyond angry at Jungkook. So he took the little home with him to look after him.

—————————————10 months later

Taehyung was terrible.

He was still in little space the whole time thinking Jungkook would come home any second. Obviously he wasn't. No one had heard from him. Jin tried his best to look after Taehyung, but sadly, it wasn't enough.

Taehyung laid on his bed starring at the ceiling. His skin was a deathly pale colour, his lips had lost all colour, his eyes lifeless and broken. What was even worse was that he was still in little space. Taehyung's eyes started to close. Taking his final breath.

"Tae I've brought you- TAEHYUNG!!!" Jin shouted dropping everything rushing to the younger's body.

Jin did everything he could to wake the little up but it wasn't any use. He called an ambulance and they said that he had already passed. Jin was a crying mess but still asked how he died.

They said it was from suicide from the pills that were next to him as well as the poor condition his body was in.

When Namjoon came back and saw and heard what happened he broke down as well but he tried to contain it more to get everything sorted because Jin wasn't able to. Some people took Taehyung's body away to be prepped for a funeral.

-1 week later-

Taehyung's funeral was held. Before the funeral they got told that when they checked the body over at the hospital that Taehyung was still in little space when he passed. Jin broke down into even more tears to think that his little TaeTae would ever think of something like that.

As much as Jin didn't want to he did blame someone.

He blames Jungkook.

-1 year later-

Jungkook finally came back. He went back to his and Taehyung's house so he could explain everything to him. When he arrived he was met with a cold and uncomfortable silence.

"Tae?" Jungkook shouted as he looked around the house.

He still saw all the pictures of the two that remained on the mantelpiece but covered in a thick layer of dust. Jungkook became concerned and tried to call Taehyung's phone only for it to go straight to a voicemail.

He then decided to go to Jin and Namjoon's thinking Taehyung would be there. Jungkook looked the house up again and then got back into his car making his way over there.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door and waited. When it open he saw Jin and his expression immediately went from a soft one to an angry one.

"I can't even look at you!!" Jin said bitterly as tears welled up in his eyes and he left the door open for Jungkook to come in.

He saw Namjoon on the sofa looking at him with sad eyes.

"Jin, I've come back to apologise to Taehyung but I can't find him" Jungkook said and Jin froze.

Jungkook didn't know.

Jin looked at him and tears fell down his face.

"Taehyung is dead" Jin said and Jungkook's heart stopped.

His baby. His boyfriend. Was now gone.

"And it's your fault. If you didn't leave him like that then he would still be here smiling and laughing" Jin shouted.

A waterfall was coming from Jungkook's eyes.

"So you tell me why the hell you left Taehyung" Jin shouted angrily and pushed Jungkook harshly to the wall.

"I-I went back to my h-home... I was such a bad caregiver and I-I wanted to improve for Taehyung and I was finding it stressful for not knowing how to keep on looking after him" Jungkook cried.

Then Jin felt guilt. He pulled Jungkook into a hug.

"I-I'm sorry" Jin cried.

"I missed him so much. T-Today it has b-been a year since he passed" Jin cried and Jungkook's eyes widened and more tears fell.

He had been thinking that Taehyung was here all happy and smiling. When in reality he has been out of Jungkook's life for a year and now forever without him knowing before hand.

What made it crash down on Jungkook even more was.

Today was their fifth anniversary of being together, Taehyung died on their anniversary.

Sorry for the lack of updates.
Sorry for this being really long and sad as well.
First Uploaded: 16/01/2020
Edited: —/—/——

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