‧₊˚taekook||easter ‧₊˚

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little: taehyung
caregiver: jungkook

it was around midnight the day before easter. jungkook had a little trouble trying to get taehyung to settle down because he was excited to eat chocolate all day and hope the easter bunny would have visited.

once jungkook knew taehyung had fully fallen asleep he started to hide the small chocolate eggs around the house for taehyung to find in the morning. he also got the rest of taehyung's easter eggs out and put them on the kitchen where he normally puts them every year.

once they were all hidden he went to their shared room and got himself ready for bed. he took his shirt off and put his sweat pants on that he normally sleeps in. then he went over to his side of the bed and carefully got in making sure he didn't wake up the little. when taehyung felt the bed dip his sleeping self unconsciously moved over to jungkook and snuggled into his chest. jungkook smiles softly, he wrapped his strong arms around taehyung protectively and kissed the top of his forehead softly before he also fell asleep.

morning soon came around and jungkook was woken by someone shaking him. he opened his eyes tiredly to see taehyung box smile.

"dada wake up easter by bun might been here!!" taehyung said excitedly.

"why don't you have a look" jungkook said tiredly and taehyung nodded.

once taehyung was out the room, jungkook got ready for the day and once he was ready he went through to the living room to see taehyung searching everywhere. jungkook pulled out his phone and took a picture of taehyung finding it so cute that taehyung was wearing a bunny onesie while looking for easter eggs.

it took a few hours but taehyung was having the time of his life, with jungkook helping him and constantly making him giggle. however once it was all found jungkook had to watch out for how much taehyung ate so that he didn't end up with a horrible stomach ache.

happy easter!!
or if you don't celebrate it i hope you have an amazing day today anyways!!! :)
first uploaded: 12/04/2020
edited: —/—/——

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