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This is requested by Fluffykookieeee
Taehyung is smaller than Jungkook is in this.
Slight insulting in this.
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Caregiver: Jungkook
Little: Taehyung

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It was a bright Wednesday morning. Jungkook was off work so that meant he could spend the whole day with his precious baby boy. Jungkook woke up before Taehyung and smiled at his adorable sleeping face. He decided to go downstairs and make breakfast for them both.

Normally he'd try and give Taehyung something healthy for his breakfast but today he wanted to make chocolate chip pancakes because they were Taehyung's favourite. While he was flipping the pancakes he heard little feet pattering on the wooden floor of this house and a tired Taehyung walked in rubbing the sleep it if his eyes.

"Morning baby" Jungkook smiled.

"M-Morning d-daddy" Taehyung said as he sat at the table cuddling his lion stuffies close his his chest.

"I've made you your favourite, chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast" Jungkook smiles placing the place down in front of Taehyung who now had a smile on his face.

"C-Can d-daddy cu-cut up pa-pan-cakes for m-me pwease" Taehyung asked politely and the other nodded grabbing the knife and fork started cutting up the pancakes into more editable sizes for the little.

While they were both eating and talking, Jungkook couldn't help but admire the littles stutter. When they first met he even thought it was adorable. Jungkook always protected the little from people who tried to hurt him or mock him for his stutter. He hate how people found it funny to mock someone when they can't help it.

When they had finished eating Jungkook took the plates and started to wash up everything he used that morning so then the pile of pots doesn't build up. While he was washing up he told Taehyung to go watch some cartoons while he waited. When he was done washing up he saw Taehyung looking for something around the living room. 

"Have you lost something baby?" Jungkook asked walking over to Taehyung. 

"I-I can't f-find p-parci any-anywhere" Taehyung's eyes started to water.

"Aw don't cry baby, why don't we go to the shop and buy you one" Jungkook smiled wiping the almost falling tears from Taehyung's eyes.

The little nodded. They both went to go and get ready to go out. Jungkook wore his blue skinny jeans, white baggy top and his timberlands. Whereas Taehyung wore his grey overalls, white and black slight striped long sleeved baggy top, with puma trainers.

"H-how do I-I wo-wook d-dada" The little asked smiling happy towards his daddy.

"You look beautiful like always baby, should we get going?" Jungkook asked laying a quick kiss on his lips.

Taehyung nodded and they both headed out the house and down to the car. Jungkook helped Taehyung with his seat belt and made sure that he was in properly. Then he got in the drivers seat and started driving to the store. On the way Jungkook put on 'I Can't Stop' by KARD. Taehyung loved that song so much. When they arrived Jungkook helped the littlr out of the car and held his hand as they walked across the car park.

When they entered the store they both headed to where they kept the pacifiers and started looking for the right one for Taehyung. Jungkook got a call seeing it was his mum.

"Baby I've got to take this call, it's my mum, can you pick a pacifier by yourself? I'll just be over here" Jungkook said quickly before he missed the call.

Taehyung started looking for one until he found the right one. He just couldn't reach it.

"S-Scuse me m-mr could c-chu h-hwlp me get that pa-pacif-ier for me p-plwse?" Taehyung asked politely to a man he was stood near.

"Why should I? Stop stuttering! It makes you looks stupid and really dumb. And w-why d-do y-you w-want t-that p-pacifier f-for y-you" the man mocked the little.

Taehyung felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Why the hell are you tearing up? Aw is it because you know that your so pathetic that you can't speak normally without messing everything up? I surprised if your even with anyone, I bet it's just out of pity! Why do you want that pacifier anyway?" The man laughed.

"I-I w-wost mine a-at ho-me s-somewhere" The little said trying to keep his tears from falling.

"It's for you?! That's disgusting! There is no way I'm going to help someone like you ge-"

"Is there a problem here?" Jungkook came over with a serious voice and face looking at the man.

"Yeah, this thing is asking for a pacifier for himself!" The man didn't realise that the two were together.

"First off he is not a thing! He his one of the most precious people ever! I suggest you leave now" Jungkook said and the man made his leave.

"Is this the one you want?" Jungkook asked Taehyung and he nodded.

Jungkook grabbed it and wiped Taehyung's tears away before planting a kiss on the top of Taehyung's head. While paying for it and on the way home Taehyung was really quiet. Too quiet for Jungkook's liking.

When they got home, Jungkook got Taehyung's pacifier out of the packaging and gave it to the little, who hesitantly put it in his mouth. Jungkook noticed and brought the little over to the sofa and pulled him in to his lap cuddling him.

"What's wrong baby? Your really quiet" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung's saddened face.

"I-Is T-TaeTae d-disgusting, pa-thwtic and d-dumb?" Taehyung asked as tears welled up in his eyes again.

Jungkook was taken aback a little hearing that from him.

"No baby! You are no here near any of those things!" Jungkook brought him closer.

"D-Do chu w-wove me?" Tears slowly started to make there way down Taehyung's cheek.

"Baby, I love you no matter what! Why are you thinking these? Is everything alright?" Jungkook asked worryingly.

"T-the m-man called T-TaeTae all d-dem tings a-and that n-no one w-woves me a-and my s-stuttering m-makes m-me wo-wook stupid, I-I-I ha-hate it" Taehyung was fully crying at the last thing he said.

Jungkook felt anger rise up inside of him. If only he hadn't of answered that call, Taehyung wouldn't have had to talk to that man.

"Baby, your stutter isn't stupid, it's apart of you and makes you you, and I will always love you, our friends love you and your mother as well. Please don't hate it baby, it's something you can't help and what makes you special" Jungkook comforted the little who started to calm down his crying.

"I w-wove you da-dada" Taehyung smiled looking up at Jungkook.

"I love you too baby" Jungkook planted a sweet kiss on the littles lips, pulling away after a few seconds and both fell asleep on the sofa soon after.

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First Uploaded: 09/01/2019
Edited: —/—/——

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