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August 20, 2016
Lisa's POV

I was sitting next to my Unnie's when they started giggling.

"What are you giggling at?" I asked but they still didn't answer me, I noticed that they were looking at the phone

I tried getting it but they dodged my attack.

"Yah Unnie what is that!" I shouted, they smirked at me

"Lisa remember Jungkook the maknae of BTS?" They asked, I blushed as they mentioned the name of my crush, Yes I have a crush on BTS Jungkook.

When we debuted my admiration for hik just grew deeper since we started seeing each other at award shows and my face would start blushing all of the sudden there was this time when we locked eyes, I immediately bowed 90 degrees since my face was as red as a tomato.

I slowly nodded at the Unnie's.

"Look at this" She showed me her phone and saw a picture of me and Jungkook it had a caption "Liskook" I blushed since it looked real

"Are you seeing him Lisa?" Rosé asked

"N-no That's an edit Unnie!" I exclaimed and they laughed

"Aww look, our Lalisa is stuttering and blushing" Jennie Unnie laughed along with the others and I just covered my cheeks

I ran to my room and locked it, I buried my face onto the bed.

I went to get my phone and saw an Instagram message from a fan, I opened it and saw a picture of me and Jungkook.

I again blushed since it looked real.

Unkowingly I searched for Liskook and many picture appeared.

I don't even know why I searched this...

I just kept scrolling and scrolling until I saw one particular photo that really caught my eye, It looked so real. As I looked at it and gazed at the picture, my face became bright red mindless of the darkness of my room. I immediately put my phone down and covered my face with it.

How can a man be this handsome.

Jungkook's POV

I was just casually laying down my bed while scrolling down my Instagram account when a picture caught my eye. It was a picture of a girl of the new girl group that just debuted two weeks ago. I don't know but just looking at her makes me smile. She makes me feel butterflies on my stomach.

I think her name was Lisa?

I Like her group. Especially her.

I searched her name and many pictures came up. I unknowingly started saving the pictures and making an album just for her, I put it on lock so that my Hyung's wouldn't find out.

I layed down and thought about her.

Finally a Liskook Book!!

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Please spare me with this book I wrote this two years ago😥

Warning: Grammatical errors, spelling errors and more

I'll proofread the book once I have time..

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