Chapter 41

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Author's POV

EXO's hideout

"Those little shits! How did they know where we were last night?!" Jongin exclaimed

"We almost got busted there. We gotta be careful" Sehun said and they all nodded


Bulletproof boys' hideout

"We almost got them!" Jin exclaimed. His face full bruises.

"It's okay Hyung. At least they still doesn't know the tracker we placed inside their cats and van. I think they're in their hideout right now." Suga said and Jin just sighed

"We need to protect the girls more tightly. We cannot afford leaving them unprotected. Its time for the girls to know." Jin said and they all gasped

"But Hyung" Taehyung said

"Taehyung. This is for the girl's protection. I know how much you Love Jennie and I know you won't like her getting in danger" Jin Hyung said


Lisa's POV

Blackpink's Dorm

We were all just chilling when we heard our door open. We looked and there were people wearing black clothing with mask. We stood up and was about to run to our room, but they were too fast.

They covered our faces with handkerchiefs. I didn't know why but I suddenly lost consciousness.



Jungkook's POV

I was happily bringing a bag of food that Jin Hyung made to Blackpink's dorm. I saw their dorm door open.

"Why is this open?" I went inside to be shocked. I drooped the food and looked at the messy room.

I saw a note on the table and it said

"Good Luck finding your Beloved girls"


I immediately ran down to the basement parking and called Suga Hyung.

Hyung! Find out EXO'S location, they have taken the girls!


I drove fast to the hideout to fins them all getting armed.

"They're Cheongun-Dong in an abandoned building" Suga Hyung said and I nodded

We brought guns, daggers and many more.

"Get ready EXO you're facing you fucking death!"


Lisa's POV

I woke up and I was in a new environment. It looks like an abandoned building.

I'm the only one here and my hands are all tied up. I tried getting it out but it's too tight.

"Well, well, well, hey there baby. Don't try to get out cause you cant" someone said and I looked up to see sehun

"You Bastard. HELP HELP HELP!" I shouted but her just laughed

"Don't waste your saliva shouting cause no one will hear you here" He said and walked closer to me. He leaned his face onto my face and was about to kiss me when I turned my head.

"Hard to get ey? It's okay I've got you all to myself" He said and chuckled. He went out and blowed a kiss. I crossed my eyebrows and glared at him.

He ignored it and flashed me his disgusting smile, I almost puked.




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