Chapter 4

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Lisa's POV

"WHAT!" Jennie Unnie and Rosé exclaimed

"How could she hide this?!" Jennie Unnie said

"When did they even start?" Rosé asked

After sometime Jisoo Unnie and Jin Oppa went back.

I can see Jennie Unnie frowning because of what we found out.

"Yah Unnie! Why didn't you tell us you're dating Jin Oppa!" Jennie Unnie said and Jisoo Unnie's eyes widen

"H-how did you know?" She stammered

"So it's true?" Jennie Unnie said

"I'm sorry guys. I was just afraid to tell you" She said with years brimming her eyes, we hugged her

"Unnie you know we're always here for you right?" Rosé said and she nodded

"We gotta go home now, and Jisoo Unnie you have some explaining to do" Jennie Unnie said while checking her phone

Our van arrived at the entrance of the park. We were about to go when Jisoo Unnie went to Jin Oppa and gave him a hug,  Jin Oppa gave back the hug and kissed her forehead.

"Bye Bye Chu~ see you soon okay? Saranghae" Jin Oppa said that made us all kyu

"Okay. Nado Saranghae" Jisoo Unnie said and tiptoed to reach his cheeks and kiss it. She came back to us and went to van.

That was our first time seeing Jisoo Unnie so happy and cute. She's always serious and would always take care of us that's why.

"Wah Daebak Jisoo Unnie, I didn't know you like PDA in public" Rosé said and we all laughed

"Yah stop it!" Jisoo Unnie smiled

"You know what looked cute. Jisoo Unnie is small and Jin Oppa is very tall, she barely reached his cheeks so he bent down for her to kiss him properly, they're so cute" I said and they all agreed while Jisoo Unnie blushed


We arrived at the van,we were not talking about Jinsoo because our manager doesn't know and he might tell Sajang-nim so we kept quiet.

When we arrived at the dorm we bombarded Jisoo Unnie with questions.

"Unnie where did you meet?

"Unnie when did it start?"

"Unnie-" We got cut off of our questions when Jisoo Unnie shouted and sat om the couch

"STOP! Calm down! One by one okay?!" She said and se all nodded and sat on the floor like little girls Listening to stories

"Ok Jin and me met at a local restaurant on December 29, 2014 when we were trainees and he was already an idol" She said

"What happened?" I asked

"Well I was just eating when he sat infront of me and said that pretend that we were dating. I was flustered when he said that and I didn't know him that time that's why he probably picked me because I wasn't fangirling" Jisoo Unnie said

"What happened next after that?" Rosé asked

" A few months after the incident we didn't see each other again but I just shrugged it off. Suddenly when I was walking around the park we saw each other and he was again followed by fangirls" She said and we all listened to her

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