Chapter 25

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Lisa's POV

Ugh! Jungkook is so annoying!!! He got angry of me because I was just dancing swalla. UGH!!!

He's currently sitting on my side looking at me.

I looked at him and he pouted "Lili? Stop ignoring me" He said and I rolled my eyes

I felt him move closer to me, I move away from him but he keeps coming closer to me. He suddenly hug me from the side.

"Please stop ignoring me?" He said and I sighed

"Okay fine..." I said and he smiled

"I Lalalalove You Doll" He sing-songed and kissed my cheeks

"I Love You Too" I said and snuggled my face onto his chest

"Kookie-ah why would you be jealous of me dancing. I've been preparing the choreography of that dance... I just wanted to show our blinks" I asked him

"You know that I'm really protective of you Lisa..." Jungkook said

"Okay fine, I'll let you pass only this time. You don't have to be jealous because my heart and my body is for you only"  I said and kiss his lips. I was about to pull back when he cupped my face and bit my lips, we continued kissing and we pulled out panting.

"Your lips tastes good" He said and I giggled, he tried to kiss me again but I stopped him

"Yah! We're still inside a hospital, someone might see us here" I said and he chuckled

"Just one little kiss" he acted cute

"Fi-" I was about to reply when he got me off guard by kissing my lips

"You naughty bunny!" I said and he smiled

"But you love this naughty bunny" He said and smirked

Aiish he's right!

A Few months later

I've getting so frustrated of Jungkook! At first he just checks on my day but now he asks me who I was with, where have I been going and he even sent his fucking bodyguard with me!

Today I have to go to Thailand to attend an AIS Event and I'm excited beacuse my bestfriend BamBam is with me.

I was inside the Airplane when Jungkook called.

Hey Kookie!

Hi Lili! So where are you right now?

In the Airplane, I'm going to Thailand for the AIS Event

Okay then baby doll be safe okay? I Love You

Love You too

I hung up the phone and turned it off since the plane is about to take off.


I have arrived to Thailand and I felt the nostalgia coming inside me as I breath the air of my home country.

We went to a hotel and got ready.

After getting me ready we went directly to the Venue and there I saw BamBam.

"Bammie!" I shouted and he turned around

"Oh my gosh Lisa it's been a long time!" He said and we hugged each other

We were talking about what happened to us the past months when the MC had called us in stage.

We headed up and they all shouted.

We were so hyped with them and the people was hyped also.

I was just so happy that night. Everyone was happy.

I went back to the Hotel and slept.


I woķe up with my phone buzzing

49 messages from My Kookie 🍪💜
68 calls from My Kookie🍪💜


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