Chapter 46

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Jungkook's POV

I'm so happy that I can finally be with my doll! We're on the plane going to Seoul. We're almost there and I cannot wait to finally get to hug and kiss my Doll.

However though, I feel like she's hiding something from me. The Hyungs and I were suspecting the four since they were acting weird. Oh well, I'm going to see my doll anyway I will.just ask her, I'm sure she'll tell me. We don't keep secrets, right?

Not long after we landed and we got out to get our luggage. The guard brought it and I saw Lisa and the girls waiting for us.

Lisa ran to me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back.

"It's good to see you doll" I said and she smiled. I kissed her forehead and smile

"C'mon guys. Let's go to a restaurant I'm kinda starving because of the waiting" Rosé said and we all nodded

We went inside the van and we all talked until we arrived to the restaurant.

We ate and immediately got home since we guys were feeling a little bit jetlagged.

Lisa and I went to her room and she made me lay down. She immediately lay down at the other side beside me and we cuddled.

"Doll" I called out

"Hmm?" She answered

"Are you hiding something from me?" I asked and she immediately sat up

"Wha...what no. Why would I" She said and my eyebrows creased. She's lying, she cant even look at me straight on the eye and she was excessively sweating even thoughthe Air Conditioner is cold, but even though I pretended not to know since I respect her if she wanna keep it a secret.

I sat up and grabbed the handkerchief I had in my pocket and wiped Lisa's sweat.

"Ah jinjjaa why are you sweating so much when the room is cold" I said and she just smiled

"I.. I just don't feel well. Can we rest?" She asked and I nodded. I layed down and opened my arms widely for her to go inside so we'd cuddle.

She happily went in and she just buried her face on my neck.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Something interrupted my sleep and saw Lisa's phone buzzing and buzzing.

I grabbed it and typed in the password. I saw a lot of messages from different unknown numbers.

I open one of them and i was shocked.

Stay away from Jungkook Oppa you bitch! He doesn't deserve you!

I felt my blood suddenly rush up my head. I opened another message and I was more shocked to see it

Stay away! Don't go near him! You're nothing but a talentless and skinny thai bitch from Thailand! Break up with Jungkook Oppa, he doesn't Love You! He only loves army and me and my friends wouldn't hesitate on killing you just so you could stay away from our Jungkook Oppa.

I sat up and pushed my hair back.

She has been recieving this and she didn't even tell me about it?

Is this why she was crying last night when I called her?

Suddenly she started talking in her sleep causing me to look at her.

"No! No! Please I Love Him, No!" She shouted and sat up. She looked at me and cried she hugged me tightly and I just carress her back to calm her down.

Why didn't you tell me doll? Why didn't you tell me so that I could protect you...

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