Chapter 30

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Author's POV

1 month and 2 weeks later

It's been one month and two weeks later since Lisa and Jungkook met.

Jungkook has been depressed since then. He was not that energetic as usual at concerts anymore. He smiles like nothing happened when the truth is he had been hurting himself...

He has been slashing his arms with a blade... He thinks that if he hurts himself maybe he'll forget about Lisa because of the pain but, whatever he does he just can't... he can't forget about his one and only Angel... his Love... He can't forget about his Lalisa...

He just cries inside his room, staring at the mirror, sometimes imagining Lisa is beside him hugging him, kissing him, Loving him... wishing that she'll be back onto his arms.

"Lisa please... I need you... I Love You... Save me from this sadness..." He said as a tear fell from his left eye


Lisa never wanted to break up with him but... She still Loves him very very much that she cries herself to sleep thinking about him.

She wants him to hug her and comfort her but she knows what will happen to him when she gets close to him.

Before the she saw Tzuyu and Jungkook Kissing

Lisa was in the van. She pulled out her phone and text Jungkook when an unknown number popped up.


Hello, Lalisa. 

Who are you?

It's Sehun. Your friend remember?

What's your purpose?

I want you to leave Jungkook.

What?! No!

Well, Okay then. You'll see him
all bloody with no life whatsoever
no heartbeat no nothing! Just his
lifeless body infront of you! I'm very
easy to talk to. Just expect him in your

Lisa was scared of what sehun said. 

No! I-I'll leave him...


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