Chapter 38

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Jin's POV

I went back our dorm to find a box which contains our old things that we don't wanna see anymore.

I went up the the attic to find it and as I suspected, I saw it.

I opened it and saw all of our old things. Sharp knives, Guns, and our signature bandanas that had our gang names engraved.

I pulled out my favorite weapon. It's a shotgun, simply because I can shoot a person so precisely that i can even do it with my eyes closed.

"I guess it's time to be RJ once again" I said and smirked

Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook ah... are you really sure on going back to our old roots? I mean it's dangerous. We all know that back then we all weren't sure if we're going to survive the next day because of all our enemies" V Hyung said and I sighed

"I know hyung.. but I don't want Lisa to get hurt. I will do it  for her and even if I die... at least I died protecting her... I don't wanna let that Fucking Sehun touching her you know?" I said clenching my fist

V Hyung sighed and closed his eyes.

"I... I'm scared that Jennie is gonna be gone... I don't want to happen, what happened last time. Ok, I'll agree with the Hyung's and you..." He said and I nod

"Count me in too Kook..." Jimin Hyung said


A few weeks later

Jungkook has already got out of the Hospital and they are in their dorm discussing about going back to their old roots which is being a group of gangsters.

They were glad that Namjoon and Jhope changed their minds and joined the gang once again.

"Ok so here's the plan. We cannot go directly and attack them. We have to find the location of their hideout. Then we have to hack their systems and observe their movements for a few weeks and in that few weeks we will revise a plan on how to confront thos bastards" Jin said and all nodded

"I found this in the attic. The box where we keep our old things. Our bandanas and our favorite weapons and things" Jin said

They all hovered up the box and everyone grabbed their things.

"Waahh my Uzi Machine Gun!" Namjoon said and carres his favorite gun

"My favorite dagger with the horse head handle!" J-hope exclaimed

"Hush! Be quiet" Jin said

Everyone had picked tgeir things. Suga was so shocked to seee his hacking tools in the box. Jungkook was also shocked to see his favorite gun in there.

Everyone was happy but they were guilty. They used all of these weapons for killing, but bow they couldn't care less it's for the Love of their lives and they are ready to risk everything just to keep them safe and sound.

"Are you guys ready to go to our old hideout?" Jin said and they all nodded.

The guys then went out their dorm and Jin drove the van. They saw an abandoned building on the side of the road. They went inside the alley and got out of the car they all looked around so no one woyld see them. Jin then slid a little piece of wood on the wall revealing numbers.

He then typed the password and an underground base opened for them.

The Bulletproof Boys were the biggest gangsters in the gang history. They were number one in everything and so was their hideout. Their hideout was the most advanced of all the other gangs and theirs were high-tech.

They went inside and nostalgia had hit every one of them.

"OH MY GOSH! Our old rooms!" They all went door to door and saw their old rooms

Suddenly a beep was heard. They were all startled.

A robotic noise was then heard

"Welcome back. Masters"

The robot said and BTS then hugged their robot.

"No wonder this place is still clean. BT21 still cleaned the place" Jimin said and pat the robot

And yes they named their brand BT21 because they had missed their old robot BT.

*remember this is all Fanfiction

They then noticed the garage to find a load of cars.

"Waaaa I forgot how crazy we are the last time that we actually stole cars from The United States." Taehyung said

The cars was named KITT they made eight of the cars, not just ordinary cars, talking muscle cars. The Bulletproof Boys stole 7 of them and now they only have one left.

The cars at first were old fashioned but they customized it and the cars now look incredible they look like race cars and the car Talks which is so awesome!

"I can't believe we haven't been here for what 7 years?" Jungkook said and smiled

I Hope You Like It guyss!!

I just wanna let you know that Kim Seokjin is the leader of The Bulletproof Boys but in BTS Namjoon is so yeah!

Yaahhhh don't be a silent readerrrrrrr!! Comment pleajeuuu

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