Chapter 16

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Jungkook's POV

(Fluffy Chapter)

It's been a month that me and Lisa are finally dating I've been waiting and waiting and she finally became my girlfriend, I won't ever, ever let go of her. We celebrated our first monthsary here in my private apartment so she slept here.

I watched Lisa as she sleep like a baby beside me. Her cute snores, her beautiful face, her plump lips and barbie-like eyes, God! I can't stop looking at her pretty face. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my cheeks and feel her warmth.

She suddenly fluttered her eyes open and saw me. She smiled and carresed her hand that was on my cheeks.

"Good Morning, doll" I said and she stared at my eyes smiling

"Good Morning, KooKoo" She said

We were just staring at each others eyes when we heard a meow.

It was Lisa's cat Leo, meowing, probably hungry. Leo looked at us and meowed again. He licked his paws and walked onto Lisa.

"Leo!" Lisa opened up her arms and did the grabby hands

Leo went to her and snuggled to her. After sometime Luca appeared and snuggled with Lisa.

I pouted and crossed my arms. She noticed me and bend her head sideways.

"Kookoo?" She said and looked at me

"It seems like you love your cats more than me" I said and she laughed

"Oh c'mon kookie, I'm their mommy of course I Love my babies" She said and caress them

I hmmped and stood up.

"Kookoo!" She called me and I ignored her and went out to drink some water in the kitchen of the apartment I rented so I can relax without my annoying Hyungs and now A Lisa and Two Cats came here and annoy the heck out of me.

I drank water and I felt small arms backhug my muscular body

"Kookoo don't be jealous. You know it's different Love when it comes to you" She said, I turned around to see her pout

I brought her up the kitchen island and made her sit there. I went in between her legs and kissed her lips.

"I Love You" I said and she smiled

"I Love You Too, So much!" She said

"No,I Love You More times infinity" I said and she smiled again

"I Love You as much as you Love me" She said and pecked my nose. She carresed my hair and I just look at her. I saw her mole on her neck and found it sexy, I kissed it and she jumped.

"Yah! Why'd you do that?!" She said and I grinned. Her face was so red that she almost look like a tomato

"Am I not allowed to?" I said and looked at her


She was cutted off when both cats started meowing loudly. I looked at Leo and he shot me the 'I don't Like you so don't touch my mommy' look or was it just me?

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