Chapter 42

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Taehyung's POV

We arrived to the abandoned building and we carefully went in so they wouldn't be able to hear us.

Suga Hyung was left in the car hacking the cctc cameras around to trick them to seeing no one, he also will tell us when someone is coming and where the girls are.

Cameras successfully hacked, I repeat, Cameras successfully hacked.

We heard Suga Hyung in our earpieces. We all walked slowly inside the building.

Someone's coming get ready.

The moment he said that our guns were ready to fire and it did since he was almost about to shoot us also.

Ok listen, Jisoo is at the third floor, fourth room to the right. Jennie is at the fifth floor sixth room to the left. Rosé is at the ninth floor first room to the left. Lisa is at the highest floor there is no other rooms there just one.

Alright roger that.

We all said at the same time.

" Me and Sunshine will be here to guard" We all nodded and we went to all the rooms that Suga Hyung said.


Author's POV


Jin's POV

I went up to the third floor to see guys guarding. I successfully beat them up and open the door fourth room to the right.

"Jin!" I heard Jisoo say. I ran to her and hugged her so tight.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Anywhere?" I asked and she shooked her head

"C'mon let's get out of here" I said and was about to untie the rope that was tied to her to the chair when we heard a clap.

"What a sweet reunion isn't it? Too bad it's not gonna last long since I'm going to kill you" He said pointing a gun at me

"Suho don't!" Jisoo said and he just smirked

"Do you really love this guy? He's a weakling" He said and I felt blood rush over my head and stood up to punch him when I felt a bullet shot right to my arm.

"Noo! Jin!" Jisoo said with tears in her eyes

While Suho was looking at Jisoo, I grabbed my gun and shot him in the leg. I stood up and strangle him.

"You Bastard!" I said

Suddenly someone came in, it was hoseok Hyung.

"Jin! Stop! Don't kill him, the police will set this out" He said and Jin just aggressively let go of him. Hoseok then tied his hands.



Taehyung's POV

I arrived to the room where Jennie was. I saw Kai hovering her so I grabbed him and slammed him to the floor.

"Oh, you're here" He said and laughed sarcastically

"You little shit. What have you done to Jennie?!" I said and stepped on him

"Oh nothing really just some touches" He said and smirked

"You!" I said and kneel down to his level and punched the shit out of him. Blood started coming out his mouth but he still wouldn't stop smirking.

"No. One. Is. Allowed. To. Touch. My. Girl. Except. Me!" I said as I punched him everytime I say another word

I stood uo and pulled my gun out. I pointed it at him and he looked scared.

Tae, the police will handle this don't kill him. He still has to suffer prison.

Suga Hyung said and I just glared at him. I know he's to weak to stand up so I left him laying down, but of course I did grab his gun next to him cause he might try on shooting us.

I went to Jennie and untie the rope tied to her hands. I hugged himer and kissed her forehead.

"You okay, Mandu? Are you hurt? Did he touch you somewhere inappropriately?" I asked and she shooked her head then she buried her face onto my neck.

"Thank You for saving me" She said and cried

I pulled her face and kissed her forehead again to calm her down.

"That's nothing. When it's you I'm ready to risk myself" I said and hugged her tightly.

We faced Kai and I glared at him.

"And as for you! You will rot in jail" I said and kicked him in the balls, he immediately reacted with pain

Hi guysssss!! Hope you enjoyed!

I'll publish Jirosé and Liskook tommorow.

Don't forget to


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