Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

I was sleeping when I felt someone move beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Lisa peacefully sleeping on my side hugging me.

I carresed her hair and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so head over heels for this girl"

I felt her move and snuggled more against me.

I smiled and woke her up.

"Doll, wake up" I said and she shooked her head

"No, I want to sleep more," She said cutely

"C'mon dolly, I'm sure Jin Hyung is in the kitchen cooking breakfast with Jisoo Noona," I said amd she pouted

"Okay," She said and I smiled

"Let's go!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her up the bed. I placed my arm over her shoulder and went outside. She was still rubbing her eyes.

"Good Morning guys" I said and Lisa went over to Rosé and grabbed Jimin out of the way to hug her

"Yah Lalisa that's my girlfriend!" Jimin said and we all chuckled. Lisa didn't let go of Rosé and kept hugging her, Rosé just carresed her hair.

"I guess our Maknae is still sleepy" Rosé said

"How about me, I'm lonely here with no one in my arms" Jimin pouted and Yoongi Hyung rolled his eyes

"Go hug Jungkook" Lisa said and Jimin Hyung pouted more and went to me and hugged me, I chuckled and hugged back

"Understand Lisa Jimin ah, she has been practicing nonstop inside the practice room for quite some time yesterday. She was there all the time and we all got worried. She almost caught a cold last night but luckily she wasn't" Rosé said and kissing Lisa's head. My smiling face went down after I heard what Rosé said

"If you've just told me earlier" Jimin Hyung said and went to Lisa to also caress her hair "sorry," Lisa just replied with a 'hmm'

After a few seconds of hugging Rosé, Lisa slept and I went to her.

"I'll carry her to the room" I said and Rosé nodded, Jimin Hyung ran to snuggleup with Roséafter I carried Lisa. I carried her and went to my room to put her down. I carresed her head.

"I Love You" I said and kissed her forehead


5 months later

It's been five months and I just couldn't bring myself to ask Lisa to be my girlfriend since I'm afraid to be rejected.

I grabbed my phone and saw a video of Lisa with one of the Kwon Twins, they were all touchy AND I HATE IT! My blood boiled and I saw Tae Hyung watching me slowly getting his phone, probably texting Jennie.

I know I have no rights to be jealous since it's just work and most certainly because I'm still not her boyfriend, but I just can't help it.

"Hyung we're going to the Girl's dorm now!" I said and Tae Hyung nodded. The whole trip my blood was still boiling. How could she do that, she knows we have something going on but that!

Lisa's POV

"Yah Lisa! I told you to tell Jungkook that you were going to dance like that! He's coming here and he is not very happy with it" Jennie Unnie said

"Why do I have to Unni?! He's not even my boyfriend!" I said and went to my room and slammed the door

I had a reason to not tell Jungkook since I know he easily gets jealous, he might not let me performif I did. I was planning on telling him the next day but we had a an emergency schedule.

I sat down on the bed getting anxious. What's the point if he gets jealous, he's not even my Boyfriend! He never asked me!

I sat down the bed and ruffled my hair. I saw Jungkook come in with a really serious face.

"Lisa what's this?" He asked pointing on his phone

"Jungkook can you cal-" I said and he suddenly shouted at me

"HOW CAN I BE CALM!" He said and my blood boiled

"Why do you need to shout! And why do you care?! Am I your girlfriend?! Are we a couple?! NO!" I said and he suddenly looked at me

"Look I'm sorry if I didn't tell you! I know you won't let me perform if I did! Wait! Why am I explaining this to you? I'm not your girlfriend am I so stop being jealous if you don't even have the right to!" I said and suddenly tears came out of my eyes

"I'm sorry Lis, I just love you too much" He said and I looked at him

"Y-You L-Love me?" I asked and he nodded. He went towards me and wiped my tears

"Of course I Love You" He said and kissed my forehead

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I know I don't have the rights but, will you still be my girlfriend?" Jungkook said and I looked at him, I smiled and nodded

"REALLY?!" He said

"Do you want me to take it back?" I asked and he shooked his head and hugged me

"Finally!" We heard Jennie Unnie said

"We've been waiting for how many months now" Jennie Unnie said and smiled

"Don't hurt our Lili, Jungkook or else I'll call the Kwon twins to get Lisa from you! I heard that Young Don has a crush on Lisa" Rosé said and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows

"NO!" He said and hugged me tightly

"I promise doll, I won't hurt you! Just don't slip away" He said pouting

"You better not!" Jisoo Unnie said

"Yes, Jungkook I will not, besides I love you. But I kinda Like Don" I said teasing Jungkook

"YAHHHHHH, you're so mean" Jungkook said and I just pinched his cheeks

Sorry for the late update! But here I am. I've been busy with my periodical exam.

Thanks for reading this book!!!

Just Keep Reading, Reading, Reading😘🤣

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