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So as expected JieunLiskook tagged me again...

Help me take a revenge pleaseeee!🙏🙏✌

1. Current Lockscreen

 Current Lockscreen

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2. Current Homescreen and Wallpaper

 Current Homescreen and Wallpaper

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3. Current Ringtone

-Solo -Jennie

4.Current Battery Percentage


5. Current Anime Watching

- I don't watch Anime

6. Devices used to go on Wattpad


7. Things You Regret Doing

-There are so many that I can't even pick one

8. Zodiac Sign

-Leo (We have the same Zodiac Sign JieunLiskook)

9. Object Obsession

- Phone

10. Favorite Quote

-I don't really read quotes. I sometimes see them but I don't really mind.


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