Chapter 29

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Lisa's POV

I'm infront the elevator waiting for it to open when I heard someone call me. I didn't need to look back who it was cause I know. My eyes teared up and I then started to cry. I felt his arms hug me from behind.

"Lisa, please it's really just a misunderstanding. Tzuyu kissed me! I didn't even kiss back I swear!" He said as his grip on me tighten

"Ju-Jungkook l-let go" I said but I felt he just shook his head

"No please" I said

I managed to get out of his grip and face him.

"Lisa" He said

"I'm sorry" I said as a tear dropped my eye. I held his cheek and kissed him one last time after I went inside the elevator.  I saw him kneel down infront of me crying as the elevator door closes.

"I Love You" I whispered underneath my breath as another tear left my eyes

Sorry this one is very very short. My periodical exam is today and I made this inside my classroom. Right this time is our quided study period so I wrote this instead of studying...

Oh well! Maybe I'll update today or tommorow. Hope you guys still read my book!! Thank You Very Much!

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