Chapter 12

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Lisa's POV

"Do you think it'll work?" I asked and they looked at me

"I hope so..." everyone said at the same time

Rosé's POV

When I saw Jimin I went to the backseat door and opened but he stopped me.

"Cmon Rosé don't be like that. Please sit here at the passenger seat" He said and I rolled my eyes but went there anyway because he pouted and that's my weakness. Ugh! Why do I always get affected by him?!

The van went drove off and we followed. I kept my eyes on my phone but I could feel Jimin always glancing at me.

I got annoyed because of his glancing and blowed up.

"Can you please stop glancing at me?!!" I said and he got startled, he looked back to the road looking like a kid who got scolded and Hell why is he so cute?!!!!

"Mian..." He said like a whisper but I could still hear him

I went back to my phone. After a few minutes we stopped at a convenience store. The van went first since they said they well get the camping site ready. Me and Jimin was left buying marshmallows and grahams for s'mores.

We got back to the car and Jimin drove off. After some time we arrived into a forest, their were many trees and birds flying around. We saw a sign that says 'camping site straight away' so he just drove. It was very quiet, I don't know why but his face is down like he is sad. I was wondering why he didn't bring Seulgi with him, they're in a relationship right? We arrived to our destination and saw them fixing up a big tent.

"Hi guys! This is a big tent" I said and they just looked at me

"Yeah it is, but it only fits 9 people. So someone needs to sleep on that tent" he pointed the smaller tent

"Okay...." I said

"Okay let's pick our partners!" Jennie said and ran to Taehyung Oppa

Jisoo Unnie of course went to Jin Oppa, Lisa ran to Jungkook, but I wanted to be with her.... okay theres still more and when I snapped out of my thoughts everyone was already paired except for Jimin, Yoongi Oppa and I but Yoongi Oppa hugged his pillow and ran to the tent and said "I'll be with my pillow!!"

"Oh c'mon!" I exclaimed and they laughed except Jimin. He's face was full of sadness

"Umm it's okay.. y-you can sleep on the tent a-alone. I can sleep outside, I'll just tie a hammock" He said and went to the trunk of the car, when I saw him walk there that he was wiping something on his face. Is he crying?

Everyone looked at him in pity.

Jimin's POV

Okay, when I heard what Rosé said when everyone was paired up my heart broke. She really does hate me, huh? I insisted on putting a hammock and sleeping there. On my way to the car my tears suddenly fell, I can't control it so I wiped it.

Don't cry Jimin, she's gonna think you're weak.
I said to myself and pulled out the hammock

I went to the nearby trees to set it up. I can see Rosé sitting on a log while looking at me setting up the hammock.

The others were preparing the food and wood. Jungkook went to me and clutched my arm.

"Don't give up Hyung, I know that she'll talk to you again" He said and I nodded slowly

He went back to carrying the wood and placing it near where Namjoon Hyung was lighting the fire.

It was nighttime and we all sat around the fire talking while eating s'mores. It was already late and everyone started going inside the tent to sleep. I went to the hammock and tried to sleep there but couldn't because it was cold and there were mant insects biting my skin, I tried swatting them away but they always come back. This is gonna be a long night...

Lisa's POV

All of us were gathered inside the tent except Jimin Oppa and Rosé.

"Jimin was really down when he heard Chae said that" Namjoon Oppa said and we all agreed

"Yeah, If I'm  not wrong, but I kinda saw tears getting put of his eyes but he would continuously wipe it" Jennie Unnie said

"It's getting late you guys we should sleep let's help them tommorow" Jisoo Unnie said and we nodded

Me and Kookie shared a space here inside the tent since this tent has rooms. Me and Kookie were inside and was ready to sleep.

"I pity Jimin Oppa" I said pouting

"Me too" He said before laying down

Rosé's POV

I'm inside the tent laying down and couldn't sleep. I've been thinking about Jimin.

Is he okay outside? Is he cold? Is he getting bitten by insects?

I rose up from the sleeping bag and thought of taking a peak. I took a peak and saw him slapping his arm and saying 'stupid insects!' He then held his arms close probably because he's cold.

I looked at him in pity, I shouldn't have said that...

I saw him get up and sat on a log. I went out and went behind him. I heard him sob and mumbled something, I tried to understand it and I was shocked he was mumbling 'I didn't know you saw that Chaeyoung ah, I was just helping her and she was thanking me for helping her, we aren't dating because I Love You' He began to sob and the r
Tears threatened to get out of my eyes.

I was angry for nothing...

I quickly hug him on the back and I could sense that he was shocked.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you Jimin ah" I said as tears fell from eyes. He turmed back at me and made me sit beside him, I hugged him and buried face onto his chest, he carresed my hair.

"Sorry, I didn't know. Sorry that I was overreacting. I didn't know what happened and became Jealous" I said not knowing what I just said

"You were jealous?" He asked and I widen my eyes and stopped crying now that I realized what I said. I slowly nodded and he pulled me out of his chest and made me look at him, he wiped my tears

"Why were you jealous?" He asked

"When I saw the article I got mad and jealous. I liked you and I never told anyone, I was scared to tell you because you might reject me and wouldn't like me" I said and looked down

"Yah, don't think like that I like you and I will always like you too okay?" He said and smiled. I hugged him.

"So now that we know each others feelings? Can I court you?" He asked and I nodded shyly. He looked back and I noticed that he said 'Yes!' The quietest he could sound but I still heard him and chuckled.

We cuddled each other.

"From now on Jimin you are mine and nobody else's and I'm yours too, even if we're not official yet, we know that we Love each other" I said and he nodded and cuddled with me again

"Can I sleep with you inside the tent now? It's cold out here and there were many insects" He said and I nodded. We headed over to the tent and we slept there


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