Chapter 23

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Author's POV

It has been week since the girls haven't talked to Jennie. It made her sad but the what made her sad even more is when she heard them talking to the boys. She heard that Taehyung was inside his room the whole week without eating.

When she heard this tears started falling down her eyes. She went back to her room and cried there. She wants to go to him, she wanted to hug him and say sorry to him.

"I'm so Fucking Dumb!" I shouted and cried


BTS Dorm

"Tae Open the door it's been a week" Jin said knocking on the door

"Leave me alone! Please" He shouted back

"But- okay, fine but you better open me when I come back" Jin said and left

Taehyung was still inside his room. He has been crying for how many days now, his hair is disheveled and the room is a mess.

He always threw things and and of the things that broke was a mirror. He saw on shard and picked it up.

"Why Jennie? You're hurting me too much... I-I can't take i-it a-a-anymore" A tear slipped his cheeks

He brought the shard to his hand and slashed it. He felt himself close his eyes and lost consciousness.


Jennie went to Jisoo's room and knocked.

"Come in" Jisoo said and Jennie came in

"Eonni..." Jennie said looking down

"What do you need, Jennie Yah" Jisoo said not looking at her

"Eonni, I wanna go t-to T-T-Taehyung" Jennie cried infront of Jisoo, Jisoo noticed and look at Jennie, she immediately ran to her and hugged her

"E-Eonni I-I wanna g-go" Jennie said and cried harder

"Stop Crying Jennie yah" Jisoo caressed Jennie's back

"Please Eonni" Jennie said again

"Why did you do it Jennie yah..." Jisoo asked

"I-I didn't m-mean i-it he-he said that they will do something to Taehyung, I-I cannot do anything... I can't let Taehyung su-suffer" Jennie said and Jisoo's heart softened

"They said they'll get us four and make us love them and leave our boyfriends, I-I don't want that to happen so I risked myself first for you to be safe and most importantly Taehyung " Jennie said

"We'll go, just change" Jisoo said but suddenly a phonecall interrupted


Jisoo yah! Taehyung!

What?! What Happened to Taehyung?!

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