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Author's POV

4 years later

It's been four years since Lisa and Jungkook got married and it has been 4 years since Lisa gave birth to their daughter Jung Li.

"Lili come back now! You still need to change!" Jungkook exclaimed as he ran after his naked daughter

This is why he doesn't wanna left alone in their house with Jung Li because she never listens to him.

"Catch me if you can Daddy!" Jung Li exclaimed and ran uo the stairs to her room

Poor Jungkook ran after her and he finally catched her.

"You naughty monkey!" Jungkook said and carried her daughter like a sack. Jung Li giggled and Jungkook carried her to her room.

"Come here, which dress do you like? We're going to pick up mommy at the airport" Jungkook said and Jung Li's eyes sparkled hearing that her mommy is finally going home from her work.

Lisa went to Paris for photoshoot with the girl's for three days.

Jung Li immediately picked a dress and Jungkook helped her put it on.

Jungkook carried his daughter and said goodbye to the maids and said that he will be back after picking Lisa at the Airport.

Jungkook placed Jung Li in her chair and buckled her seatbelt.

Jungkook drived to the Airport but then Jung Li started to get annoying so he turned on the radio and connected it to the bluetooth of his phone and played nursery rhymes and Jungkook was glad that it made Jung Li stop and was singing.

They arrived to Incheon and saw many paparazzi already waiting for the girl's arrival.

Jungkook parked the car and carried Jung Li with him. The Airport's guards ran to him and assisted him to get inside since the paparazzi are wild.

They went inside and saw the boy's. Jin with his six year old son Ji Seok and his two year old twins Soo Jun and Soo Jin. Jimin with his five year old son Young Min and one year old daughter Chae Min. Taehyung with seven year old Tae Bi and 4 year old Tania.

Jungkook put Jung Li down and she ran to Young Min.

"Young Min Oppa!" Jung Li ran cutely and Young Min ran in the same manner. The Dad's look at the scene infront of them and giggled and thought how adorable the two was

Young Min became Jung Li's Oppa eversince Young Min helped her after she got a boo boo on her leg eversince that day Young Min has protected Jung Li.

Young Min held Jung Li's hands and they walked hand in hand.

Jungkook smiled at the two adorable babies walking hand in hand.

Jungkook then greeted his Hyungs.

"Hey Hyungs" Jungkook said and they just nodded

"Tired huh?" Jungkook laughed

"Yah! Don't laugh as if you weren't having trouble controlling Jung Li even though she's only one, just imagine me carrying these three in the house" Jin said

"Already ahead of you Hyung" Taehyung said and Jin glared at him

"Good thing Tae Bi is helpful" Taehyung said and ruffled his daughter's hair

They sat on the bench and talked about the lost time since they were not able to meet the last 3 days.

The older kids sat on the opposite chair and talked also. They just looked adorable as hell.

Suddenly Young Min said "MaMa"

The boys looked at the arrival to see their wives. The kids ran to their mothers and hugge them.

"Aww did you miss me boys?" Jisoo said as her three attacked him with hugs suddenly another baby of hers hugged her

"Here comes my big baby" Jisoo said laughed but Jin couldn't care less he missed her wife more

"Hi Babies" Rosé said as she saw her baby daughter carried by Jimin and her older son ran to her. She hugged Young Min and kissed his cheek.

"Mommy missed you, you know" She said and again stood uo to hug her husband and daughter

"Hi" Rosé smiled and pecked his lips. While the peck was happening Chae Min eyes bulged and said "Ewww"

Everyone laughed at her reaction including the couple.

Jennie then picked up Tania who was running to her and kissed her cheeks.

"Mommy missed you soo muchhh!" Jennie said and also bent down to Tae Bi

"Mommy missed you too!" Jennie said and hugged her daughters

"Aren't you gonna hug your husband" Taehyung said and Jennie looked at him and got up to hug him

"Tae" Jennie said and Taehyung chuckled

"I missed you too" Taehyung said and smiled

Jung Li ran to her mother and made Lisa carry her. Lisa attacked her with kisses and Jung Li giggled.

Jungkook then approached Lisa and pecekd her.

"I miss you please don't go away next time, Jung Li never listens to me" Jungkook said and Lisa giggled

"I can't promise that Kookie" Lisa said

"Baby?" Jung Li suddenly burst put which made the others look at them

"You're having a baby?" Jennie asked and Lisa slowly nods

"Oh my gosh!" Rosé said

"Congratulations!" Jisoo said

"Baby?!" Jung Li said because she was getting impatient waiting for her mommy to answer her question

" Baby is okay. You don't need to worry" Lisa said and Jung Li nods

"Okay!" She said

"Let's go eat outside yeah?" Taehyung said and everyone nodded

They ate at a restaurant and they were all having fun. Talking about life being a parent and also Lisa's second pregnancy. The girl's were giving her tips.

Lisa was so happy that Jungkook and her became real because if they didn't she couldn't have been this happy.

Official end of The Ship That Became Real

Thank you for being with me until the end!

The Ship That Became Real | LISKOOK (릿끜)✔Where stories live. Discover now