Chapter 49

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up to see Lisa sleeping peacefuly next to me. I kissed her forehead and got up to check the time.

It was already nine in the morning and I remembered Lisa telling me they have a schedule on 10 today.

I qoke her up and she opened her eyes slowly. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Good Morning" I said

"Hmm Good Morning too" She said and stretched her body

"What time is it?" She asked

"It's nine, you told me that you have a schedule today right?" I said amd her eyes widen

"Oh shit I forgot" She stood up quickly and ran to her Unnies' room

I was about to follow her when I heard her scream. I ran outside to see her infront of Rosé's looking like she just saw a ghost.

Jennie Noona and Tae Hyung went out also carrying Tae Bi. Jisoo Noona went put in Jin Hyung's button up and Jin Hyung followed with on his pants and shirtless. Jhope Hyung, Namjoon Hyung and Suga Hyung also got up.

"Yah what is it?! Why are you screaming" Jennie Noona asked

Lisa shakily pointed her finger. We went to check to see and saw Rosé and Jimin hiding under the sheets.

Lisa had probably saw them naked.

They popped their head out and smiled innocently.

"YAH! Go change your horny asses! We have a schedulein an hour!" Jennie yelled and slammed the door

"Gosh I thought I was just hearing things when I heard moans last night" Jennie Noona said she then looked at Jisoo Noona and Jin Hyung and squinted her eyes

"You did it last night also didn't you guys. I heard banging in the other wall." She said pointing at them. The both of them blushed and went to Jisoo Noona's room

"Did you do it last night?" Jennie Noona looked at me and Lisa and we just shooked our heads

"Hmm that's good. Now go change Lisa Manager Unnie is coming to get us in an hour" Jennie Noona said and Lisa nodded


"Doll don't wear that!" I exclaimed and she just roll her eyes

"Jungkook it's just a dress" She said

"It is but it's too short and it's sleeveless" I said

"It's not, it's perfect" She said

"Ugh fine but wear this jacket and always put a blanket or pillow, anything you can use to cover your thighs" I said and she smiled

"yes appa!" She said and I smirked

"Why call me Appa when you can call me daddy" I said and she slapped my arm

"You're so annoying Jerk"  She said and I backhugged her

"But you Love this annoying jerk" I said and she smiled

"I'll call you later okay?" She said and I nodded

"Come let's go Manager Unnie is probably outside already" Lisa said and I nodded

We walked outside to see the girls all ready.

"Okay we're gonna head out now. Lock the door when you go out" Blackpink's manager noona said

"Wait" Jennie noona  said and went to Tae Bi.

"You're going with daddy today okay?" She said and kissed Tae Bi's cheeks

"Tae Bi's things are already packed in the baby bag okay?" Jennie Noona said to Tae Hyung and gave him a peck

"Bye. Love you" She said

"Love you too" He said and Jennie Noona began to walk to the door

Lisa hugged me and kissed my lips

"Bye too Kookie. Love you!" She said to me and headed out with the rest

"Hyungs can you help me with something?" I asked my Hyungs

"Sure what is it?" Jin Hyung said

"I'm going to propose to Lisa"

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