Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV

I am was being hugged by Jungkook's arm in Jungkook's bed, inside Jungkook's room which is in his private apartment when I started feeling hungry, I removed his arms and he groaned.

"Noo don't go" He said trying to hug me again

"No I'm hungryyyyy" I whined and he sighed

"Okay fine, what do you wanna eat?" He asked

"No I'll cook" I said and he quickly shooked his head

"Nope, you're not cooking" He said and stood up

"But" I said and pouted

"Baby, you might burn the apartment" He joked, but for me that was hurtful, I feel that tears are threatening to come out my eyes. Jungkook quickly noticed it and wiped it.

"No baby don't cry, I was just joking" He said and kissed my forehead to calm me down

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I heard from Jisoo Noona that you burned your hand while cooking ramen last week" He said, It's true I burned my hand trying to cook ramen and it was so embarrassing!

"Ok fine I'll let you cook" I said and he smiled

"But I want to watch you" I added

"Of course!" He said. We went to the kitchen and I sat on the kitchen island while carefully looking at him preparing the ingredients for 김밥(Gimbap) which is Korean Sushi Rolls.

He started cooking and I just watched him carefully while sitting in the kitchen island swinging my legs back and forth.

He rolled the rice with the and he made it so perfect! He then sliced it into pieces.

"That looks good!" I said and he smiled

He brought it to the table and I followed him. He dragged the chair and made me sit.

My bunny boyfriend is such a gentleman.

He sat down next to me and grabbed the chopsticks and he gets one of the Gimbap and feed it to me.

I closed my eyes and indulged the yummy flavor.

"Mmmhhh, It's so yummy!!!" I said and I saw Jungkook smile

He leaned in to me and lifted his hand wiped something on my cheek.

"I Love your cooking baby!!!" I said and kissed his cheek

I grabbed a chopstick and fed him with the gimbap.

"Thank You for making this! This is what I also love about you" I said and he smiled

"Well my dad told me that the easiest way to a woman's heart is through her stomach" Jungkook said

"You know what, that was whay my mom fell in love Daddy Marco. I guess I took over her genes" I said and he smiled

"I'm glad I have you" He said

"Me too" I said and kiss his cheek once again

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