Chapter 21

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Author's POV

The Couples are meeting today since they will be starting their tour and this is the only time they could since they will be busy tommorow and the the day after tommorow and even after that, but Jennie is nowhere to be found.

Taehyung arrived to pick up Jennie when...

"Hi Lisa" Taehyung said when Lisa opened the door

"Hi Taehyung Oppa!" Lisa greeted

"Is Jennie there? I'm gonna pick her up" He asked

"Umm, Jennie Eonni is not here" Lisa said and Taehyung's happy face fell down

"Oh... alright then. I guess I'll go" Taehyung said and left. Lisa pitied him and closed the door.

Taehyung is a really sweet guy. He is very I mean VERY considerate and this past few days, Jennie and him rarely talk. This made Taehyung sad but he stood positive thats why he went to their dorm to see her but he just came there to be disappointed since Jennie wasn't even there.

He sighed as he drove his car back to their dorm.


Blackpink's Tour has started but then Tae haven't even seen Jennie once! Yes, they call each other but, only for a short period of time, this really made Tae kind of sad these few months.


It was New Year's Eve! The boys were excited to see their Girlfriend. Jungkook already left since Lisa and Him are going to Busan.

Taehyung went to the dorm and picked Jennie up. They went on a date that night but she couldn't even spend the night with him or stay with him as twenty nineteen starts but since you know how considerate Taehyung is he let her go.

"Bye Taehyungie" She said and kissed his chee

"Bye Love You" He said and smiled

"Me too" she said and left

Taehyung sighed and thought about what is happening to him and Jennie this past months. She never says I Love You properly anymore, she would either say "Me too" or "I Do Too" and thats it. Their calls took ridiculously small amount of time, before this they talked for Hours! But now they only talk about 40 seconds the longest they talked was only two minutes, can you imagine that!

Taehyung got up the chair of the restaurant they ate dinner in and went back to the dorm. What was weird is that she insisted on going herself than for Taehyung to take her where she was going.

Anyways it was almost midnight and Taehyung was just in the couch... sitting... alone... again...

The countdown has started and he went to thw veranda taking his phone with him waiting for the fireworks to explode in the night sky.





Everyone cheered in the neighboring apartments. He took a photo of it when a notification came up.


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