Chapter 37

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Jungkook's POV

I'm currently at the Hospital bed looking closely at the Laptop the police gave me that has the file of the dashcam.

"Kook is this the car?" Lisa asked and Jungkook nodded

"We have also checked the plate number of the car and we were surprised who was the owner" The police said and showed us a folder

"It's Oh Sehun's car" The police said and I close my fist

"I knew it! But he was not the one in the car" Lisa said

"We'll try our best to investigate on this case more" The police said

Lisa stood up and bowed.

"He's really playing this game huh?" I said and tsked

Lisa then went back next to me and hug me.

"Don't worry Kookie. I'm sure we'll know as soon as possible as to what happened" Lisa said and kissed my cheeks

I hugged her and she placed her head on my chest, I caressed her hair and kissed it.

"I'm not going to let something happen to you doll even if it causes me to go back to my old doings" I said in my thoughts and continued to hug her


"WHAT?!" Jin Hyung said after I told him what happened

"Oh I'm gonna kill that bastard!" He said with ckench fist

"Hyung, you know you promised not to go into killing people..." Namjoon Hyung said lowly remembering our past

"Look! He's trying to kill Jungkook Namjoon! Do you know what will happen if we let them continue?! They'll kill us all! If we let his happen," Jin Hyung said looking directly at Namjoon Hyung

"But..." Namjoon Hyung said

"Ok fine! You be you and I'll be me. Who is with me?" Jin Hyung said

I slowly put my left hand up and Suga Hyung followed.

"Do you know what's the worst thing that could happen if you let this continue?" Jin Hyung asked looking directly at the four members

"You know that they want the girls. The worst thing that could happened for me is that Jisoo will het taken away from me... Do you really want that to happen to you guys? Do you want them to take away your girlfriends? I know you Love your girlfriends and you wouldn't want something to happen to them. Sure, I promised not to go back to my doings but if it's for the Love of my Life and my friend's protection I can go back with no hesitation" Jin Hyung said as a tear left his eye. He quickly wiped it away.

"I just hope you think about it" He said before going out my Hospital room

The members who were left in the room sighed.

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