Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

We arrived to Blackpink's dorm room. The girl's opened Lisa's room for me cause they still have to bring the stuff toys inside her room.

"Okay, just place Lisa on her bed. We will go to sleep now and lock the door when you get out, Arraseo?" Jennie Noona said and I nodded

I placed Lisa on her bed carefully and took off her shoes, I covered her in her blanket and kissed her forehead.

"Bye now Lisa" I said and carresed her cheeks before going out of her room

I went back to Bangtan dorm and saw Jisoo Noona there with Jin Hyung on the couch kissing. I made a disgusted face.

"Yah Hyung go to your room and do that not here!" I shouted making them startled. Jisoo Noona's face was red and Jin Hyung glared at me.

I walked to my room and layed down the bed. I fished out my phone and look at the picture I took while Lisa was sleeping. I smiled and made it my wallpaper.

I placed my phone on the nightstand and slept.

Lisa's POV

I woke up and noticed that the clothes I wore last night was still on my body.

Oh right.. I slept on the date.

I went to the bathroom and wash myself, I wore comfortable clothes and went out of my room. I saw Jennie Unnie making breakfast and Chaeyoung watching her cook.

"Good Morning!" I exclaimed which made them startled

"Yah! Why do you have to shout" Rosé said

"I just feel like it" I said and hugged her I feel so energized

"Where's Jisoo Unnie?" I asked

"She slept in Bangtan dorm, but she'll be back any minute" She said and I nodded

The door opened and we saw Jisoo Unnie walking inside.

"Unnie!" I ran to her and hugged her

"What happened to you, you're extra energetic today maknae" Jisoo Unnie said while chuckling

"You know what Unnie, I don't know why either" I said while pulling away from her

"Oh shut up Lalisa, we all know including you that you're very jolly today is because Jungkook and you went on a date" Rosé said crossing her arms

I felt my cheeks getting hot and they all laughed at me.

"Did you know that he carried you to your room last night?" Jennie Unnie said

"Jinjja!?" I widen my eyes

"Yeah, you were snuggling to his chest while he carried you. He even kissed your forehead" Jennie Unnie teased

"Unnie!! Hajima!" I exclaimed and they just laughed at me

"Ok let's stop the teasing, it's time to eat" Jisoo Unnie said and we all sat on the table


We finished eating and we went to our schedules for today. I practiced my vocals and Jisoo Unnie is inside the dance room practicing.

It was break time, I drank water and suddenly my phone rang.


Are you free today Lisa yah?

Oh, Jungkook ah. I'm not free today our schedule is packed!

Ok ok, maybe next time?

Yeah sure.


I ended the call and my vocal teacher called me.

"Is that Jungkook ssi?" He said. He knows what's going on with us

"Yep" I said and nodded

"He really is whipped for you" He said and he laughed

"Oh stop, Oppa" I said while slapping his arm


It's already 9:00 PM when we got back tot he dorm. I immediately went to the bed and flopped myself.

"Lisa what do you want for dinner?" Jisoo Unnie asked while she opened the door of my room

"I don't know Pizza? Oh wait Jennie Unnie doesn't like Pizza. Let's get chicken!" I said and she nodded

She closed the door and I grabbed my phone, I opened it and saw Jungkook messaged me.


Hey Lali.
8:30 p.m.

Hey! Sorry for answering you late,we just got
home from our schedule.
9:20 p.m.

After I sent the text I went out and saw the girls sitting on the couch while waiting for our food.

I saw Jisoo Unnie walk to the veranda probably Jin Oppa.

I saw Jennie Unnie smiling while texting someone on the phone while Rosé is also smiling.

The doorbell rang and I stood up to open thinking that it's the delivery man. I opened the door and saw Jungkook holding a bag of food and Taehyung Oppa, Jin Oppa and Jimin Oppa behind him.

"Hi" They waved their hands at me and smiled

"Come in" I said and they came in

"Unnie's Jinmintaekook is here!" I said mixing their names together

When I said that Rosé and Jennie looked at me and then to the boys. Rosé ran to Jimin and immediately hugged him. Jennie Unnie went to Taehyung and immediately started talking.

I swear something is up with these two.

Thank You for reading this book

Hope you





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