Chapter 6

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up and I discovered that Lisa is hugging me while sleeping. I smiled since I could hear her little snores.

I swept the hair that covered her face, I stared at her for a while but this Hyung had to ruin it.

"Yah Jungkook wake up! Jin Hyung said we should eat" Taehyung Hyung shouted that made Lisa wake up. She moved around until she opened her eyes

"Good Morning Kookie" She smiled at me and she pecked my cheeks

It made me blush and she laughed.

"Jungkookie is blushing" I covered my face with the blanket

"I didn't know one peck on the cheeks makes you blush" She said and laughed

"Yah Stop the Hyung's will hear you" I said and shushed her

"JUNG-koksjsjbsjsbajnakhdhdyheb" She was about to shout it when I covered her mouth

"Yah stop, jebal. They'll tease me" I said and she nodded

"Yah Maknaes! Why aren't you up" Jin Hyung went up and opened the door

"We were about to Hyung, Lisa just woke up" I said and he nodded

"Ok then, go to the kitchen once your down" He said and walked away but suddenly walked back to the door again and said "Why are you sleeping next to each other? I thought you'll sleep on the floor?"

"Uhh" I said but he walked away

We went to the kitchen and saw our members sitting on the table. We sat next to each other since there's no other seats left.

"So as you guys know the maknaes slept together on the bed" Jin Hyung siad that made my eyes widen

"Oooohhhhh" They all teased us

I could see Lisa blushing on my side.

"Stop You Guys, I just let him sleep there because it's his bed after all" Lisa said and the members just looked at us with a 'suuuuree😏' look


Lisa's POV

We came back to the dorm since BTS had an urgent meeting with their CEO, Bang Pd nim.

They said they'll come back later on the afternoon so they could hang out with us.


Jungkook's POV

"Yah Hyung set the arch up nicely!" I shouted at Jin Hyung while setting up the arch

"You have no right to raise your voice at me I'm still older than you!" He shouted back

"Sorry Hyung, I just want this to be perfect. It's gonna be our first date and I know I'll not see her very often since we are all busy and it'll take awhile for us to have our second date so I have to make this the best first date ever" I said and he looked at me

"I'll let you slide this time since it's for our Lalisa" Jin Hyung said and smiled. He continued fixing the arch

Yes, I told them what happened that night, at first they teased me nonstop but I told them that they should help me with setting things up for our date and they agreed.

We're currently here at a secluded place that my Jin Hyung found when they he having a date with Jisoo Noona. Currently the girls thought that we were having a meeting with Bang PD.

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