Chapter 45

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Lisa's POV

It has been just 2 days that we realesed that we were dating BTS and we have been recieving bad comments some even death threats.

And no we haven't told them about it. They're busy with their  world tour and I know they're tired. Jungkook's tired...

I don't wanna stress him more because of this.

Suddenly I recieved a message on my phone. It was from an unknown number.

Break up with Jungkook Oppa! You're just a skinny slut, you're stealing Jungkook Oppa from us!

After reading the message I felt a pang in my heart. I just wanna cry. I don't know what I'll do.

I tried to stop my tears but it just flowed on it's on, probably sick of me always managing to stop my tears. I guess it nothing can stop it now.

I cried and hugged my knees.

I felt a buzz and saw my phone ringing.

It was Jungkook...

and he wants to facetime me...

I quickly wiped my tears and made myself look presentable and not looking like I was crying.

I grabbed my phone and I saw him smiling at me lovingly.

I smiled back and he frowned.

"Are you okay doll?" He asked and I just nodded rapidly

"Yes I'm fine! Perfectly fine now that I got to see and talk to you, though I wanna hug you and kiss you I think this almost enough to cure my longing for you" I said and he smiled

"Aww my doll, don't worry! We're going to have a week break before going to another country. We're going home tommorow" He said excitedly

"Jinjja?!" I smiled widely

"Pick us from the Airport okay?" He said and smiled. I quickly nodded.

"I miss you so much doll" He said and I pouted

"Me too Kookie" I said and he smiled

"I heard that Liskook shippers were practically dying because of happiness because we were dating" He said and I nodded. Sure their were people who supported us, but I can't just ignore the bad comments.

I then suddenly felt something drip.

"Lisa? Why are you crying?" He said full of worry. He got closer to the screen and I just chuckled

"No,no I'm just happy" I said and he released a relieved sigh

"Doll. Please do if something is bothering you, okay?" He said and I nodded

"Ok manager Hyung is calling me. I Love you" He said and did a flying kiss infront of the camera

"I Love You Too soo much!" I said and catched the flying kiss sent me and placed it on my lips and then to my chest where my heary was located.

I then give him a flying kiss and he catched it also.

"Ok, bye Love you. See you tommorow at the afternoon" He said

"Bye I Love you too" I said and ended our call

I stared at my phone and sighed.

Another message appeared and it's from an unknown number again texting me to break up with Jungkook.

I wanna say that I'll never leave him and that I love him and they will never break us apart.

But I stopped myself and deleted the number.

I sigh and lay down my bed and tried to sleep.

The Ship That Became Real | LISKOOK (릿끜)✔Where stories live. Discover now