Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

We spent our ride to school the next morning with Maggie looking at houses on her phone she'd like to sell, and me laughing at both her comments and the random memes Reggie and Nick were sending me. If anyone knew how to brighten my day it would be those two.

Unknown: Ariel, why did you tell Liam and Maggie about our conversations? Couldn't we share something just between the two of us?

Well, that ruined the joy I was getting out of these memes.

"What do you think, Ariel?" I looked up from my phone to see Maggie was turned in her seat.


She turned her phone around so I could see it, pointing to a house. "Look at this house. Do you like it?"

"It's nice," I said looking at the small but beautiful brick house.

"I'd like to live in a house just like this," she said dreamily.

"Maybe you will one day," Liam chuckled and something told me he would be more than happy to make that happen for her.

I gazed back down at my phone, wondering how I should respond or if I should just ignore them. In the end, I ended up replying.

Ariel: Were you in the locker room yesterday?

Unknown: Why do you ask?

Ariel: The power went out and you knew about it. You texted right at the moment the power was out. The door was shut and you wouldn't have known it unless you'd been there.

Unknown: Ah ... yes, that. I was just having a little fun.

Ariel: So it was you?

Unknown: I was only having a little fun. Did I scare you? I'm sorry:(

Ariel: Really, who are you?

Unknown: I already told you that I can't tell you. I know you like to read and write. You love mysteries, don't you?

Ariel: I don't love this one.

Unknown: Think of me as your texting pen pal.

Ariel: I don't need a pen pal.

Unknown: You'd be surprised by who you'd come to need. Don't I know it?

Ariel: So why were you in the locker room? Trying to scare me?

Unknown: No, that wasn't my intent. Blame Maggie for that.

Ariel: How'd you turn the lights out?

Unknown: Technology savvy.

Ariel: Why would you do that?

Unknown: I wanted to see you. Is that so hard to imagine?

See me? They couldn't have waited until I got out of the locker room? Out of the shower? What if they saw me naked or Maggie naked? I shivered. Creepy.

Ariel: I hope you're a girl if you were in the woman's locker room.

Unknown: Does my gender really matter?

Ariel: Right now, yes, it does. I was in the shower after all.

Unknown: I suppose I can be a little forward but I thought you'd be having fun.

They thought I'd have fun taking a shower in the dark?

Ariel: That wasn't fun or funny.

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