Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Kenneth was drunk when Reggie dropped me off and Mom and I quietly went up to her room to talk. I told her about the date first but hesitated when it came time to tell her about Zayn and Miles. I didn't know how she'd reacted but once I let it out, she smiled at me with that same motherly look she always gave me. 

"You're still young, Ariel, it's normal to go out with boys you have feelings for. I saw how you and Miles looked at each other and even at such a young age, you two shared this strong bond. Before that, you had a connection with Zayn even if you don't remember. I believe that's why you're feeling this way. If Zayn said he loved you, then I think he meant it. I also think Miles wouldn't lie about his feelings either."

"But why tell me now? I'm with Reggie!"

She smiled. "Maybe that's exactly why. They see that you're with someone else, and it scares them."

"Why would that scare them? They're in a relationship too."

"Well, think of it like this: when you were single, they didn't have to worry about you moving on, because you hadn't shown interest in anyone else. Now that you're with Reggie, it's shown them that you're trying to move on."

"That's hardly fair." I huffed.

She laughed. "Love isn't always fair, darling."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed.

She smiled, moving a piece of hair behind my ear. "You remember Matt, don't you?"

"Of course, I remember Matt."

"I believe he had a crush on you."

"What? No way."

"Kaylin and I both saw it. Even Nicole saw it."

"Maybe Nicole was trying to set me up with her son."

She smiled as she smoothed my hair behind my ears. "I wish you saw how beautiful you were. It makes sense that young men would notice."

"Yeah, but I'm not Melinda and I'm not Lita."

"Ariel, you aren't jealous of those girls, are you?"

"Of course not. Okay, kind of."

She gave me a sad look. "Do you remember the father-daughter dance you had in elementary school?"

"Yeah, I do," I thought back.

Dad walked out in a tux, smiling as I twirled in a pink dress. "What do you think? Am I worthy of a father-daughter dance?"

"Yeah, you are," I smiled, hugging his leg.

"That's been so long ago," I admitted.

"Yes, but he did go, and you had a good time."

"Yeah, we did."

"Melinda didn't have anyone to go with her and Joanne told me how crushed she was over it. That girl always seemed so insecure even as much money as her mom had. It seems she still is that same insecure person. I've always thought that about Lita as well."

"What would they have to be insecure about. They're both beautiful and rich. Joanne is a great mom. Lita's parents always seemed good to her."

"I think they are but even that can't always make someone happy. Love is something you can't buy."

"Mom did you and—"

"Luci!" Kenneth boomed making us jump as I heard his heavy shoes stomping up the steps. He entered the room with red eyes and a snarl on his lips. I noticed the yearbook clutched in his hand and all the color drained from my face. How had he found that? It had been in my bag. He stopped in front of us, hands trembling.

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