Chapter Fifty-Five

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Chapter Fifty-Five

"Do you like this, Gem?"

I turned, seeing Miles walking out of the dressing room in a tuxedo. A smile crept its way onto my lips as I looked him over. The jacket was matte black with matching black pants but the shirt and tie matched my light blue dress.

"It looks great. You look very handsome." I beamed, walking over to him.

He wrapped me in his arms and grinned down at me. "You sure you like this one? I can always find a different color." He offered.

I shook my head. "No. This is perfect. I love it." I smiled, reaching up to place a gentle kiss upon his lips.

He returned my kiss happily. "So, when do I get to see your dress?" He asked as he pulled away.

"You can't see it until the dance." I grinned.

"Why do I have to wait?" He whined.

I reached up, poking his cheek with my finger. "Because I want it to be a surprise." I teased.

He sighed, "Fine. I guess it doesn't matter anyway. You're going to be beautiful in anything you wear anyhow. You'll be the most beautiful girl at the whole dance. I guarantee it." He kissed me and I blushed.

Why did I have to remember that right now? By the time I'd arrived home last night, I'd had just enough time to call Reggie and plan what we were going to do this evening after school. Very soon our relationship would be over and nothing would ever be the same again.

At this point, I couldn't know how much. How angry would he be? His anger wasn't something I wanted to deal with but his heartbreak would be worse. This was something you could never be ready for.

Nick and Sunny had also conveniently texted with me last night. Something was going on and I wasn't sure what it was. They too were having doubts about their relationship and I couldn't make much sense out of either of them. So I'd tried to help what little I could even though I couldn't help myself either.

Sunny: Ariel I need to tell you something.

Ariel: Sure what's up?

Sunny: It's not easy to say and even harder to text.

Ariel: Do you need me to call?

Sunny: No it's okay I would but I'm dealing with my parents. They're both under the influence right now per usual:(

Poor Sunny. I hated that she had to go through this all the time with her parents. It would seem like her parents should be able to kick their habits if not for her for themselves and each other. Of course, I also knew a thing or two about addiction problems and what they could do to a person's life, and what they could turn people into.

I was sympathetic knowing it wasn't easy for them. Even more so sympathetic to how it made Sunny feel and the fact that she was always the one taking care of them with no help whatsoever. It just wasn't fair to her.

Ariel: Okay well you can tell text it to me.

Sunny: It's just I'm feeling horrible lately about something I've done.

Ariel: I'm sure it can't be that bad.

Sunny: It is.

Ariel: Can you tell me what you've done?

Sunny: Not yet I'm just so ashamed.

Her texts just weren't making any sense to me. According to her, she'd done something so bad she couldn't tell even me. I just couldn't imagine her doing anything so horrible as she just wasn't capable of that. It wasn't that I wanted to dismiss her and think she was overreacting. However, realistically she had to be. Perhaps she'd tried drugs or took up drinking again.

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