Chapter Eighty Four

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Chapter Eighty-Four

"I didn't want to tell you before but now I think I need to."

I'd intended on telling Mom over the phone about Jane Doe but at the last minute, I changed my mind just as she made a surprise visit to Kaylin's and told her about what happened with Zayn. So much for not worrying her.

"Oh honey," she sighed.

"I'm sorry mom. I know what he means to you and to me. I just can't have him keep hurting me like this. He wouldn't even speak to me and I don't know if he's angry or if he means it this time. That hurts me a lot he would do that."

"I've told you before sweetheart that it's not your responsibility to fix him. I'd never put that all on you. It's simply that I think if anyone has a shot it's you. The two of you were always so close."

"I've given it a shot and it's just not been enough. I feel like we're only hurting each other more in the process. I don't know what else to do."

"He's been kept away from you and Liam for so long and dealt with all this it's no wonder he's ended up this way. That doesn't mean he can't change and be helped. He's a good boy really. It's hard not picturing you all as babies anymore. You're all growing up." She smiled, rubbing my head.

"I just don't want to disappoint you," I admitted.

"Honey, you could never disappoint me. Never. You're my daughter and I'll always be proud of you." She assured, hugging me.

"Thanks, Mom."

Talking with her helped as it always did but I still felt a sense of dread and sadness. Would he really keep this up long-term? Could I handle it if he never spoke to me again? It would be awkward even if we were basically done with the project just adding some final touches. More importantly, could my heart take it if he never spoke o me again? Just thinking that made me want to cry.

While she spoke to Kaylin Maggie and I sat on the couch doing our homework alongside Liam and she explained to me in detail how awkward second period was. The more she said the more I felt sorry for her and the fact I'd let her deal with this all on her own. She'd literally kept her hand on her boyfriend's arm the entire time despite the fact he and Zayn hadn't actually spoken to each other. It was better they didn't but she revealed Liam warned him not to which caused him to taunt him.

Mrs. Hollowell had stepped in threatening detention which was so like her and she'd also asked where I was. Liam had wasted little time in blaming Zayn for my absence when she didn't seem to like at all. Even threatening to remove Zayn from the class if he was keeping me from being able to attend. He rather rudely denied that was the case at all and said we just weren't on speaking terms. He wasn't though I'd obviously tried speaking to him.

That made Liam angry again and both she and Maggie had to warn him to calm it down again. Although I felt bad I was glad I'd missed class as I wouldn't have been able to handle seeing him so soon after what happened. I wasn't sure I'd be able to return to class at all and be forced to see him for any time in the day. Not that I wanted to let him know he had this power over me.

Tomorrow I'd have to go to all my classes and I felt sure everyone in my life agreed. Just like before I needed to show him that I was strong and he didn't affect me even though we both knew he did. I couldn't fail classes because he was rude to me and just to avoid seeing him.

"Well, I can do it tomorrow. I'll go to all my classes," I vowed.

"Good, because I cannot handle dealing with those two for long periods of time. Believe me, you know all about it."

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