Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Just when I thought it couldn't get better you impress again, Ariel," Zayn acknowledged as he finished reading what I'd added. I hadn't been sure if my additions to the book would be well received but it seemed they were.

"It's not that great. It barely adds anything."

"You're wrong. You like writing, don't you?"


"Okay, then. You should know even if the story revolves around the main characters that don't make them the only characters. There are also the other main characters and the supporting cast. These supporting characters are every bit as important to the overall story."

"True," I allowed.

"So, it makes perfect sense Emily would tell her best friends about the baby first. Don't most girls do that?"

"I always told mine." That was a different time.

"Emily trusts her friends with everything," Zayn acknowledged.

"That's right. It's one of my favorite parts of the books so far. Her friendship with Rachel and Laura."

"So, it's only natural she told them first."

"Emily, what's wrong?" Rachel demanded. The three girls sat in her bedroom at her request, waiting to see what she had to tell them. She'd chosen the safety of her house to reveal this news.

"This isn't easy to say."

"Take your time," Laura offered.

"Or just say it," Rachel interjected.

"Okay, I'm pregnant." She looked at the shocked expressions on her friend's faces as they sat in stunned silence.

"Pregnant?!" Rachel yelled.

"Yes, I took the test this morning. Two to be sure and it confirmed I was expecting."

"Does Tom know?" Laura questioned.

"No, he doesn't."

"Does Jace know?" Rachel asked.

"Neither of them knows and for good reason. I don't know who the father is."

"Wait, you don't?"

"No, I don't."

"Oh, no," Laura looked at her in sympathy.

"I don't know what to do or how to tell either of them."

"This isn't easy to talk about, but you know you have options."

"Yes, Rachel, and I've considered my options. There's only one I even want to consider but it's not going to be easy nevertheless."

"What is it?" Laura looked up at her.

"I'm keeping it."

"That's great. If that's what you want, you should." Laura encouraged her.

"I agree but you know this means you'll have to tell them." Rachel pointed out.

"Of course, I plan too. I just don't know how to. It won't be simple."

"You'll just have to tell them and be honest about everything. When you figure out who the father is then that solves half the problem. If one of them is about to be a father then they deserve to know," Rachel remarked, patting her hand.

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