Chapter One Hundred-Six

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Chapter One Hundred-Six

"Ariel I want to talk to you about something," Mom had announced as soon as I made it home from work.

"What's that?"

My first thought was to be worried as it sounded serious but the nervous smile on her face told me it was nothing bad. I sat down at the small kitchen table beside her to hear what she was going to tell me.

"Well, Alec and I are planning on having dinner tonight."

"Okay? Mom, he usually has dinner here at least once a week. What's the big deal?" I laughed.

"Actually we're going out to dinner tonight."


Alec had taken both of us out to eat last night. So then why was she acting so weird about this? If she thought I was going to get upset about this she was wrong. I loved when they spent time together and didn't mind being alone for the ride when they wanted me to. Unless they were going alone.



"When you say you guys are going out to dinner you mean the two of you?"

"Yes," she smiled.

"As friends?"

"We have been going as friends but I'm thinking, well we're thinking of going out as more than friends. If you're okay with that."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Kenneth is still your dad in the divorce isn't final. Actually, he's trying to fight it I've heard. Alec and I have both wanted to be respectful about that and I thought I'd wait until after the divorce out of respect for you and your dad. It's just we really don't want to wait. I still love him."

"You know I don't mind mom. Alec loves you a lot and you deserve a man who loves you and treats you right and protects you. It's just, do you still love Kenneth?"

"I do, I'll always love him. I'll always love him no matter what."

"I will too," I admitted.

"Baby Kenneth does love you just like he loves me. He always did. I don't know how he became like this. I may spend the rest of my life wondering what happened. It did happen and I have to do my best to do what's best for me and especially you. We can't live like that ever again."

"I'm happy now."

"Me too, I'm very happy."

"Mom, would you marry Alec if he asked you? Not right now since the divorce is still going on. If he asked you in the future?"

"If he asked me I certainly would," she smiled.

The idea of seeing mom in a wedding dress as she walked down the aisle to marry Alec made me so happy. As a child, I remembered her showing me pictures of her wedding day when she was pregnant with me. Even as a pregnant bride she'd looked gorgeous and I knew she would once again.

"I hope he does."

The idea of him as my stepfather made me smile. It would be kind of cool for my dad to be my English teacher. The idea of him being my father biologically was also tempting and just last night I'd told them I changed my mind about the DNA test. They'd been supportive.

"Ariel is this really what you want to do?" Alec questioned.

"I want to know. I have to know."

"I understand. It's just I don't want to take Kenneth's place. No matter what he's still your father."

"I know and I'm not trying to change that. I'm not angry at him or trying to get back at him. I just want to know the truth."

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